If you're a First Responder

I don't know how you do it.
This morning I was first on scene to a fatal accident.
Actually, I was 2 vehicles behind it.
I had to call dispatch and get fire, medix and police and check everything.
How it does not consume you, I have no idea.
I ended going home at 3:00 this afternoon.
So my hat's off to you folks.
This morning I was first on scene to a fatal accident.
Actually, I was 2 vehicles behind it.
I had to call dispatch and get fire, medix and police and check everything.
How it does not consume you, I have no idea.
I ended going home at 3:00 this afternoon.
So my hat's off to you folks.
But normally, I don't get that up close and personal with it.
Today was closer than I care for.
Today I got to see what the first responders have to deal with.
Things like the gruesome part of it, dealing with public getting pissed because the road is closed, dealing with people getting in your way and stupid people trying to drive through barricades.
Coordinating things, dealing with angry public and trying to maintain some semblance of things until the police show up is not something I would want to deal with on a regular basis.
Because at an accident, if you are the only one there with the flashy lights and all, people have to bug you every 2 seconds.
To say the least, it was a real eye opener.
1. The ones running around screaming for someone to do something.
2. The ones who do something.
3. The ones who go looking for something to do.
First responders, EMTs or how ever they are referred to are an amazing group of people who deserve our respect and our thanks.
I just got back from vacation but in the month of June we made 17 fatality calls. Everything from the unimaginable 11 year old and a 14 year old boy hanging them self’s to having too many birthdays. Hard to believe you can get used to seeing what is out there and I wouldn’t want anyone to have to see what I have, but as they say “$hit Happens” and the world keeps spinning.
One thing that always bothers me too is to see how so many of the First Responders from September 11th have been treated by our own Government and basically just forgotten. Unfortunately as a society we throw the word Hero around too lightly and end up looking up to the wrong people like Celebrities when true heroes like this get pushed to the side. Really does make you wonder what's wrong with people.