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Introduction / collection

AustinshovelAustinshovel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4
Hello everyone, I wanted to start by introducing myself and being up front why I'm posting.

I know from being on other forums (non cigar related) that it's frowned upon not handing out a proper first intro, post right away trying to sell things, etc. With that said, I have been trying to decide if I get rid of a small collection because I just don't smoke cigars like I used too. I hate seeing some great stuff I have go to waste, would rather see someone else enjoy them.

A little about me & my cigar history; I started smoking cigars about the late 80's, had no idea what I was doing, or getting into, but learned through many mistakes. Probably around the early 90's I gave it up only to have two very good friends pick it up and got me started all over again around the late 90's - stupid peer pressure :). In the last 2/3 years I have stopped again. I live in the Austin, TX area and my latest hobby outside of working like a dog is riding and wrenching my older motorcycles (shovelheads are my passion if you're curious, can't quite afford the older stuff - yet).

I have always kept my two small humidors proper and now 2+ years of making sure everything was in order every 2 weeks or so and only smoking one cigar every few months I am considering letting the stuff go, if there's any value versus just giving the stuff away. I think I have a pretty decent collection (quality wise) for a lower level cigar smoker but I could be wrong. There may not be a lot of interest in what I have.

Even though I have been smoking on & off for quite a few years, I would consider myself a novice. I was always more interested in what my taste were than what the latest and greatest new cigar was and what was considered the best this or that with wrappers, fillers, etc. Just is about personal enjoyment to me.

So all that being said, would anyone be interested in looking at some pictures and such?

Or should I go back to my corner and go away?


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