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Extra mobo or psu?

RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
I hope that typing this out will help my blood stop from boiling ;) A few days ago, I was attempting to play Skyrim, After the Bethesda logo, my computer froze and I was forced to restart. After the restart, I noticed that my GPU (GTX 570) had an error code 43 listed under it in device manager. After trying to uninstall the drivers and finding no luck, I decided just to reinstall Windows 7. After the install, I was still having problems so I ordered a GTX 770. 770 just got here today. That was an adventure too, I installed it but was getting a blank screen whether I was plugged in to the GPU or Mobo, but if I took the GPU out then the mobo would display. Kind of where I'm at right now. The 770 also has the error code 43 listed under it.So, does anyone have a mobo or psu I could use just to test out which part I need to buy? I know it's a long shot, but it's better than no shot.


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