Your first one is a special package, so they may send it right away. At least they did for me, but I joined near the end of a month.
What is in the special package, anything good? How about the rest of COTM is it worth the money?
Sol Cubano Artisan (but I got the Padilla Artisan in mine), Gurkha Centurian, Gurkha Titan II, Craycliff 1966, Padilla Sganture 1932. I've only gotten that order so I don't know what's to follow.
The first month is a win.
Ive gotten a few months since... its great, I love the random. And ive done the math, the packages have always been at *least* a few bucks more in cigars than you are paying.
To me, half the awesomeness is getting rando cigars in teh mail!