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Found a dog

First WarriorFirst Warrior Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
Had a visitor last evening. We live in the woods with the closest neighbor a good ways away. A uncollared and unnutered young stray dog took up with us yesterday. He is a 45 lb mix one blue eye, one brown eye, long hair and sand and light chocolate colors. He came to me wanting his belly rubbed. He had recently rolled in something foul and reeked. I put him in my studio and found he wasn't house broken when he went to one of my sculptures in progress and marked it with a steady stream, I am going to bleach the piece any how so no harm done except a little stink, maybe the customer won't smell it.I then put him one of our runs and fed him last night. It rained so I checked on him and he was in the dog house. This AM after my other said "no more big dogs" I took him to our new no kill shelter about a mile away. The folks there were pretty sure that he will be taken home by somebody. Hated to drive away, maybe the next dog will be a little smaller.


  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Thanks for getting the dog to a shelter. Most people would not have taken the time.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    You're a good man to take the time to do this, his name should be Lucky. Lucky he found you. Really nice of you do that for him. My wife would take in just about any animal. At one time we had 2 dogs, 1 cat, an old trotter that was to be put out to pasture, a quarter horse, and a disabled crow we found walking one day.

    He marked his territory he may be back, you will have to keep him then, lol.
  • First WarriorFirst Warrior Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
    Saw the dog on the shelters website. hope he makes it. Donated some $ to the shelter.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Nice job!! He will find a good home and hopefully you'll locate a smaller breed.
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