Biting off the tip

in Cigar 101
I was reading an article on JR Cigar on cutting and the author said that most cubans bite off the end of their cigars instead of cutting them.
1) why do they bite them instead of cutting?
2) how do you bite off the tip of the cigar while not making a bloody mess of it? Because that would be convienent to know if I am ever without a cutter.
Forgot to mention this, but biting the cigar is not really something I'd recommend if you have any other option available to you... I suppose if you are on a desert island and somehow have a supply of cigars but no cutter and you can't fashion something out of a coconut, well then bite the damn thing.
cool i have one like that and did not know how the hell i was going to get in to it
and sometimes its a giant freaking CO.......
It's probably the contrast.
Seriously though I was hoping you were going to say no my store isn't nearly that gross but somehow I knew that wasn't the answer. I worked in a local Breakfast shop and at an Outback steakhouse when I was in HS and the expeirience still horrifies me when I eat out. NEVER I repeat NEVER EVER EVER Fing EVER send food back. I don't care if it has mold on it. Just ask for your money back and go elsewhere. Am I wrong here kuz?
It does piss cooks off to get food back but if they are a good cook or chef then they know that they are in the ass kissing buisness and they want to make it right. I take pride in my work so when i have a lagit recook im ok with it. However, when i send out a steak that is clearly well dont and i get it thrown back in my face and they say "this is supposed to be well" then i get a bit pissed.
one time just this had happened. the steak had not even been cut into. i took the steak, cut it in half and put both halves back on the plate and sent it back out to them. never toutched the grill. somehow they were happy about that. the manager on duty wouldnt give them a discount. made me feel better....
I digress.
i cant speak for anywhere else but in my store, food safety is a top prioity. we take alot of care to get the return customers. I hope we arent few and far between.
but not 100% --if you make 50% or more of your profit from tobacco then you can smoke inside.
*steps off soapbox, puts head down and walks away*
he he he "do do"
We were talking about do do I had to bring up Don King.