I'm a brand new cigar smoker. Help me to get started. Thanks in advance!

Hello everybody! My name is Steve. I am new to the world of cigars. I have sampled many, many cigars over the years, on various occasions, but just in passing. Since deciding to become serious about cigars (a couple of weeks ago), I have smoked the following cigars:
Arganese Maduro Robusto
5 Vegas ‘A’ Apotheosis
Gurkha Class Regent Torpedo
HC Series Maduro Belicoso
Ramon Bueso Genesis The Project Toro
Sosa Robusto
I can truly say that aside from the nasty, cheap, convenience store type, I have never smoked a cigar that I didn't like. I would truly like some direction and develop my palate so as to learn to truly appreciate a good cigar and eventually become a connoisseur.
Questions, comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again everybody and nice to meet you all.
Until you get accustomed to what you like and have a handle on your tastes, it might be wise to shy away from box purchases.
The reason being, is that your tastes will change over time and while a box of cigars may be worth trading stock, it is probably real estate you might not have in your humi.
After a while, your tastes will settle down and you will get a ball park of what you like and don't like.
But it may be that your tastes will continue to change, especially as you discover new cigars.
And even as long as I've been smoking cigars and as much information is out there, I discover new cigars all the time.
Just my opinion.
Read what guys are talking a lot about and check out some reviews. Eventually you will figure out who you have similar taste to and can kind of go by what they recommend and what they are currently smoking now. Some reviews are just dumb like in Cigar Aficionado with the taste of snauzberry twigs at twilight with a hoot owl snoring near by.
You can always ask opinions or do a search here on a brand you are considering.
read every thread this forum has ever posted.
all joking aside, this forum has a ton of information. use the search feature in the top right corner of the forum and you can find just about anything. if you cant find it, just ask. there are a ton of people here that know whats going on. there are several people that have cigar blogs that are on this site and there are several people that have connections in the business that provide some serious insight.
also, whenever you see a post by Alex Svenson, pay attention to it. the guy is brilliant and has the inside scoop. i mean, as chief merchant of cigar.com he better know whats up.
if you have a few hours to kill, just follow the link in my signature line and read some of the links it sends you to. on a few of them i recommend reading the entire thread because many of them have info buried deep in the thread. (the holiday pass ones are a great demonstration of the generosity of the people here but reading those is not informative really. )
5-Vegas, MOW, DP Garcia, you can't go wrong with those samplers, IMHO.
...or ELSE!
One that must not be mentioned. Shame on you.