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skiwawskiwaw Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10
I have three drawer humidor. Which drawer should I put my humidification device in top middle bottom. I guess I am wondering if water vapor rises or falls


  • cusccrstud21cusccrstud21 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 84
    well what kind of humidification device do you have?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    himid air (i think) sinks. Im not 100% on this because i have a humidification device on each level of my multi level humidors. I use beads. A little on each level seems to keep it consistant throughout the humidor.

    a few other people i know say that the bottem level (using 65% beads) has an RH of 65-68 and the top an rh of 63- 65 if they keep the beads in the middle of the humidor
    If you have enough humidification in your humidor it should be good no matter where you put your device. play around with it. there will not be enough variance to "ruin" any cigars. keep the humidification on the top one week and the hygrometer on the bottom. move the hygrometer around and see where its higher or lower RH.
    try the humidification on each drawer and move the hygrometer around also.

    get to a point where you are happy with the results. Just know that a one to three point difference from top to bottem shouldnt be a big deal.

    if you find that some do better in 63% RH keep em where it is dry. If you have cigars that do better at 68% RH keep them where the RH is higher.
  • skiwawskiwaw Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10
    Thanks for your help
  • kaveniuskavenius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 46
    How many cigars do you have in your humidor? On each shelf? Cigar.com tends to send a Humi-Care Water Pillow with larger purchases (i.e. 10+ sticks in an order)... sorry Cigar.com if I'm ruining a benefit I've received that isn't the status quo... here, how about this: SO, THE LARGER THE ORDER YOU MAKE, YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET ONE OF THOSE WITH IT!! (See that? I've used strategic reverse psychology to get your customers to buy more cigars! You can send my check with my next order.....) My point is that the Humi-Care Water Pillows work really well. Depending how your like your sticks, those seemingly-small pillows regulate the humidity to about 69%-70% with very little maintenance. I'd say once a month or so (more often if you open your humidor more than once every other day) you can reload them by dipping them in distilled water. They are good for about 2-3 reloads before you should replace them. But at 10 for $15, they don't kill your wallet. Try some out. You could probably get away with one on the bottom, one on the top, and your humidification device in the middle. Hope this helps!
  • matt.hickeymatt.hickey Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 54
    So I just ordered the Evanston Heritage Humidor and I hear that the heartfelt beads are the way to go. That humi holds about 70 cigars but I am unaware of any drawers or levels that it may have. My question would be is a pound of 60% beads in a bag be enough or too much? Should I get two half pound bags or tubes? Any help would be appreciated. -Matt
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    Waaaay too much. Heartfelt recommendations are 1 oz per 50 ct (roughly), so 2 oz will probably do you. But my experience with the tubes is that they do not offer enough surface area to release moisture very rapidly. That said, I also live in an arid climate. If you are down south, you might be all right.
  • matt.hickeymatt.hickey Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 54
    I am in Central area of IRAQ. LOL So if I get about a half pound and put it in a bag I should be good? -Matt
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Waaaay too much. Heartfelt recommendations are 1 oz per 50 ct (roughly), so 2 oz will probably do you. But my experience with the tubes is that they do not offer enough surface area to release moisture very rapidly. That said, I also live in an arid climate. If you are down south, you might be all right.
    too much yes, Waaaay too much, maybe not. I have 5 oz in my 50 ct. and about a pound in each of my 150cts. It is a bit over kill bit i have to rehumidify less often.

    in the winter using the foam i was refilling every other day or so. now i refill ever 10-12 days or so. when the heater isnt on i refill every 30 or so days.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    too much yes, Waaaay too much, maybe not. I have 5 oz in my 50 ct. and about a pound in each of my 150cts. It is a bit over kill bit i have to rehumidify less often.

    in the winter using the foam i was refilling every other day or so. now i refill ever 10-12 days or so. when the heater isnt on i refill every 30 or so days.

    5 oz in a 50 ct.? And what do you use to hold them? It seems like that your humidor would have a good bit of space taken up by just beads, especially the 150 with a pound in it.

    I am thinking of getting rid of the tubes, and seeing if I cannot find a shallow glass pan to put some in on one side of my top tray. I really think that part of my problem is that the beads in the middle of the tube cannot release their moisture fast enough.

    If you can Kuzi, pm me a pic of your setup, I'd really be interested in seeing what other folks use for their humi's :D
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i have made a small boxes that take up less room than youd think. they are only slightly larger than coffin boxes. I made each of them out of old cigar boxes. the 150 count has two levels. i have the bulk of them on the lower level and the rest in the upper level. I only recharge the top beads.

    the 50 ct even has room above the beads. on the first 2 layers of cigars i can only fit a toro or shorter (6 in) but above that i can fit up to a 7.5 in cigar. in the 150cts i can fit a toro where the humi boxes are and up to an 8in cigar where it is not. on the top level of the 150 cts i have the boxes going in the other direction and it devides the humi in half so it doesnt really matter.

    it really doesnt take up much room at all and the surface area of the beads is very large (making them more efficiant.) In the 150cts i can also place cigars over the boxes because the top has one inch open and one inch closed. (4 openings 3 "closed areas") I think its all about how its arranged. I dont just toss em in there. I organize. I think though that one of my boxes is too big and i may have to make a bit more efficiantly sized one soon.

    I also only use my larger humidors to age cigars so they get opened less often. the 50ct is what i smoke out of.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    Kuzi...now you got me thinking. I have two empty C.com Torpedo boxes. If I can get to a bandsaw, I'll cut off the bottom then reattach it. The lids are sliding, so I'll keep the top intact, than cut some slits into the lids to release the moisture, but still provide a shelf to rest the cigars on.

    But please, post a pic of your set up! I'd really like to take a peek at your 150, since that is what I have.

    Hmmm, I sense a new thread that needs to be opened :P "Show Us Your Humi"
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i dont have a digital cam.... ill see if i can borrow a friends.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    Sweet! :D I'll be looking forward to it.

    And a guy I work with has a full on woodshop, he makes and sells Adirondac chairs, so I hope to get mine done soon. When I do I'll post a pic as well...if I can find a digital camera too :P

    I think we are the last ones without, Kuzi lol
  • dep691dep691 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311

    Do any of you use the cigaroasis products in your humidors.

  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    i have the cigar oasis in my 100 ct glass top humi. I will never use anything else, EVER AGAIN. I use the Boveda packs or water pillows in my travel humi but I love the cigar oasis. I just set it and forget it. I add water about every 3 months other than that it is completely maintanence free. I will tell you it has to be plugged in. The battery pack doesn't last long at all, the only thing I would use it for was if I had to transport my humi for some reason.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    i dont have a digital cam.... ill see if i can borrow a friends.
    Any luck on that digital camera, Kuzi? I'd really like to see your work :D
  • dep691dep691 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311
    I agree with you on the cigaroasis. I have the xl plus in the cabinet and i use the ultra in the desk top. And the ultra I keep plugged in also. The best investment I've made to keep all of my cigars at the right rh level.  It is kind of expensive units, but not having to worry about the humidity level and all of your cigars ruining is priceless. They also come with a built in hygrometer, but in the cabinet i keep a digital one in the drawer so I can make sure that the singles are okay all the time by just looking  through the glass top.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i dont have a digital cam.... ill see if i can borrow a friends.
    Any luck on that digital camera, Kuzi? I'd really like to see your work :D
    nah, never got around to it. ... then i forgot. if i can find time and all.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    dep i've notice the built in hygro is waaay off it reads 73.8 when my calibrated digital reads 71 ... yes I like my cigars a little on the humid side. It is most definetly the best investment I've made. Probably the best thing about it is you don't have to worry about how many cigars you have in your humidor. It will keep them at the perfect rh whether you have one stick in your humi or like mine right now where I can barely close the lid. LOL I actually had to put a few cigars back in the bags ccom ships in with a water pillow. Don't worry I chose the ccom house blends to rest in the bags.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    madurofan, I found myself doing that recently myself.... shuffling cigars into a make-shift humi that is. I opend my humidor to find out that not only was my RH appallingly low, but I had no room for any more sticks regardless of how I shifted stock. So, out came a trusty gladware container and a small tray of heartfelt beads.... Should do the trick until I can sort out everything. I really ought to try and smoke somewhere close to what I buy, because at this rate I'll never smoke them all.

  • pilot711pilot711 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 176
    I have that problem all the time also. Started with one humi then two with storage for probably over 300 all together and still have to go to the temp. bag after purchases. It's hard to pass up something you want when you see them. :)
  • dep691dep691 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311

    I've noticed it being one or two points off also. And the overflow problem with the cigars, same issue here. I only smoke on my days off and with all of the kids extra activities I usually only have time to smoke one at night.  Seems like I collect more than smoke. Although I do have some room for box's still  lol.

  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Haha I think we all have that problem I'm catching back up though here lately I've been smoking two a day. Need to nip that in the bud though I'm not trying to smoke that many they are just sooo good, lol. I was about to buy another humi the other day and my wife said "You don't want to do that" and she doesn't really care about me buying cigar stuff so I took it to mean she or someone else is buying me one. Ahhh that could be nice :).
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