Why wasn't this named "Things George Carlin Might of Thought About"
This immediately came to mind!!! Love his questions on "hats" and "which hand to place on the Bible" when swearing in. You can really apply his logic to just about any of ceremonial things we do because it's all just stuff we made up at one point or another.
Stolen from Tumblr:
Can a ghost and a zombie come from the same person?
Cough, rough, through, and though don't rhyme, but pony and bologna do.
The brain named itself.
What happens if you put a werewolf on the moon?
Two people could be born at the exact same time but have different birthdays due to time zones.
While you wait for a waiter, you become the waiter.
Why do people say "I'm not racist but..." and then say the most racist thing they can.
Im not racist I hate everyone equally until proven otherwise. This is the first place ive been that I dont feel im gonna cramp my middle finger lol.
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Why do we have homeland security if we have national guard And border patrol?