Pipe tobacco RH?

in Pipes
So im looking to get some more pipe tobacco. The last batch I had I let dry out and its all crispy now. lol I wasn't too fond of the blend I got. Suggestions for storing it? What RH does it need to maintain? Sorry... im so very much more a cigar guy right now... but want to change that.
I always try to jar whatever I open. I just do not smoke fast enough to get through an entire tin quickly. Small tins seem to be small and you would think you could smoke it all quickly but I am telling you this pipe tobacco is deceptive. So what I am doing now is smoking all aromatics that are open and whenever I get through them I will move onto other tins which I am anxious to do. Have the original 2008 Holiday Spirit I want to dive into plus some non aromatic things to explore. From my reading I see most people agree that aromatics do not age well while non aromatics do better.
Personally I would not worry about RH at all unless you plan to go long term and in that case I would use Mason Jars. Most new tobacco is wet and doesn't smoke well. I know many people that pack their pipes anywhere from a week early to several hours before they smoke just to get the tobacco to dry out some so it burns better.
so a 8gram boveda or a tobacco coin work really well for that.
But I do usually set my tobacco out in a dish to dry a bit over night. Usually once i cant smell the plastic edge of the poly glycol i figure im good to go. this has worked for me most of the time.
I have no idea about rh on this but once it is in the jar at around 18% I have had no issues with it drying out to this point.