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A Humbling Experience

90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
So Jay (Jbohon) and I have been talking back and forth for a little while now, both gun enthusiast, knife collectors and lovers of cigars and tat'd women. Life is good, but apparently Jay decided to make mine just a LOT better. He and I both have a penchant for Benchmade knives and got to talking about them, I was explaining how the Benchmade Balisong is one of my unicorn knives and if I ever come across one or he does that I will gladly buy it and to let me know. Well no warning, no nothing a big ole box shows up on my doorstep today.... I saw it was from Jay and immediately knew that I was done for. Had some suspicions but never expected anything like this. Jay DESTROYED me, not only did he send me the Benchmade Balisong (aka butterfly knife) but also a gorgeous Xikar 5 count herfador and two of his homemade (should be marketed these things are brilliant), EDC Ouch kits... already have one in the diaper bag and one in the car! Jay, your gesture and your words have so utterly and completely humbled me, I am absolutely amazed and worried I could never live up to the kindness that you showed me or the words that you shared. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will never forget this as long as I live!




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