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Oh really?

Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
Seems like he had a good grasp of the situation going in,......didn't he?

Barack Obama, November 21, 2007: “Well, I truly believe that the day I’m inaugurated, not only does the country look at itself differently but the world looks at America differently. If I’m reaching out to the Muslim world they understand that I’ve lived in a Muslim country and I may be a Christian but I also understand their point of view… My sister is half Indonesian, I traveled there all the way through my college years and so I’m intimately concerned with what happens in these countries and the cultures and the perspectives these folks have. And those are powerful tools for us to be able to reach out to the world and when you combine that with my work on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on everything from nuclear proliferation to issues of genocide then I think that the world will have confidence that I am listening to them and that our future and our security is tied up with our ability to work with other countries in the world. That will ultimately make us safer, and that’s something that [the Bush] administration has failed to understand.”


  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    They all go in with wide eyed optimism don't they, then reality hits. Bush went in wanting to do education stuff and helping poorer countries didn't he, then 9-11 hit. Completely changed the legacy he wanted. Obama wanted to heal the world and give us obamacare, we have the care act but the world is not seeing his vision yet. It's a bad world out there sometimes, reality sucks, it's how you adjust to it that matters.
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    I read that Mitch McConnell is actually a turtle and that's why congress is so slow.
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    I voted for Nader.
  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    I voted for Nader.
    Nader? He's still alive?
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Bob Luken:
    I voted for Nader.
    Nader? He's still alive?
    I thought about voting for Nader, but it just seemed contradictory to vote for the Green Party using paper ballots. ;^)
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Bob Luken:
    Seems like he had a good grasp of the situation going in,......didn't he?
    Kiddin me? Big O will say whatever gullible idealists want to hear. I personally don't think he believes a word of it. Guy's cunning; not stupid.

    It's not about talking nice and quoting the Koran. No, not even if you spell it with a Q. Conciliation just makes us look weak. Proximately, it's about us consistently backing Israel for 60 years now. Meanwhile, Israel consistently kicks Arab ash; which does not make it any easier for them to swallow. Of course, you also have our eating pig and idolizing sluts and officious atheism and all that, to stir the pot. But that's only cassus belli. Ultimately, it's the fact that East is east and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. Darius and Xerxes and Alex the Great fought this way back before Mo or the Jeeze. Our magnetic poles repel North and South; our human poles repel East and West. Anyone who thought you were going to defuse millennia of antipathy by Obama's sister being half Indonesian is just about wishful thinking enough to vote for Hope and Change. Twice. That's who O speaks to: Wishful thinkers. Idealists. Daydreamers. Why do you think he's so popular in Hollywood?

    Good grasp my ash. The man who did most to bring East and West together was Nixon inviting China to harness capitalism. Which has resulted in other problems.

    This O quote reminds me of those bumper stickers: "Think Peace". Yeah. Just think peace. That oughtta do it.
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    I feel like everyone hates this guy now for such vague reasons. If anything, the last 8 years have shown us just how strong congress is and how weak the president is. Most of that has nothing to do with his foreign policy or ideals when he entered office, or choice of suit color when announcing drone strikes, but that's what FOX and friends focus on. So here we are.
  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    Bob Luken:
    Seems like he had a good grasp of the situation going in,......didn't he?
    Kiddin me?
    Well, yeah, I was.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    I feel like everyone hates this guy now for such vague reasons. If anything, the last 8 years have shown us just how strong congress is and how weak the president is. Most of that has nothing to do with his foreign policy or ideals when he entered office, or choice of suit color when announcing drone strikes, but that's what FOX and friends focus on. So here we are.
    Lessee... Congress ... Fox ... what's missing

    You forgot to blame George Bush!

  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Wow. Much as I hate to disagree with someone on my side of the aisle, I don't agree with the idea that the executive branch has been steadily losing power to Congress over an extended period of time. This power ebbs and flows. I mean, right after 2001 Congress essentially rolled over to let Bush do whatever he wanted. There was barely any opposition on either side of the aisle at all to the two wars he started and the creation of the largest bureaucracy in the history of the country and all of the expanded surveillance programs he authorized and the huge tax breaks he gave to the rich. His power only began to wither when people started question the wars in 2004 and Democrats picked up enough seats during his second term to paralyze him.

    Likewise, Obama rammed an incredible amount of legislation through Congress from 2008-2010 because Democrats had control of both houses. His legislative paralysis began only when Republicans began picking up seats again in 2010 and more in 2014. Since at least the Teddy Roosevelt era, the ability of presidents to get things done (other than launch undeclared wars) is completely dependent on how much their party dominates Congress (and how many in that party agree with the president's priorities).
  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Who says he's a Kenyan, satanist commie who's ruining the country? My specific point was about his apparent naïveté in 2008. None of these Jihadists gives a crap about how Obama understands them and wants to heal the world but instead they would slice off his head if given the chance. Obama's the rube if he thought he had any special skills to deal with the world. I don't hate him. I'd prefer he succeed. But I don't think he has when it comes to dealing with Jihadists.
  • D FreshD Fresh Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 558
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Wouldn't call him a commie...socialist? Certainly has those tendencies.
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Bob Luken:
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Who says he's a Kenyan, satanist commie who's ruining the country? My specific point was about his apparent naïveté in 2008. None of these Jihadists gives a crap about how Obama understands them and wants to heal the world but instead they would slice off his head if given the chance. Obama's the rube if he thought he had any special skills to deal with the world. I don't hate him. I'd prefer he succeed. But I don't think he has when it comes to dealing with Jihadists.
    I don't hate him either, and he's not a satanist, but all he has done is talk as that was been his career and all he knows. Anyone thinking he could really change the middle east and terrorism was and still is sadly mistaken. He doesn't understand a damn thing and surrounded himself with more of the same. I don't wish him to succeed as he would gladly take my entire paycheck.
    Bush first term was pretty good overall. His second term, and congress, was abysmal and so I didnt register republican next time up.
  • D FreshD Fresh Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 558
    Bob Luken:
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Who says he's a Kenyan, satanist commie who's ruining the country? My specific point was about his apparent naïveté in 2008. None of these Jihadists gives a crap about how Obama understands them and wants to heal the world but instead they would slice off his head if given the chance. Obama's the rube if he thought he had any special skills to deal with the world. I don't hate him. I'd prefer he succeed. But I don't think he has when it comes to dealing with Jihadists.
    I don't hate him either, and he's not a satanist, but all he has done is talk as that was been his career and all he knows. Anyone thinking he could really change the middle east and terrorism was and still is sadly mistaken. He doesn't understand a damn thing and surrounded himself with more of the same. I don't wish him to succeed as he would gladly take my entire paycheck.
    Bush first term was pretty good overall. His second term, and congress, was abysmal and so I didnt register republican next time up.
    I'm a conservative, gun toting (NRA supporting) republican. I despise Obama. But I wanted him to succeed. It just didn't happen and he failed every step of the way. The fact he was reelected unfortunately showed the stupidity of most of lower/middle America thinking he had their interests in mind. I fully expect to get backlash for my comments but don't misunderstand that I want what's best for this country. Obama is a great politician and that shows every time he goes out on on of his campaigns. But he has ZERO clue what it takes to LEAD. Regardless of my political affiliation, I believe OBama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. I got a Fiver of your choice if he ends up outside the 5 worst presidents
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    D Fresh:
    Bob Luken:
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Who says he's a Kenyan, satanist commie who's ruining the country? My specific point was about his apparent naïveté in 2008. None of these Jihadists gives a crap about how Obama understands them and wants to heal the world but instead they would slice off his head if given the chance. Obama's the rube if he thought he had any special skills to deal with the world. I don't hate him. I'd prefer he succeed. But I don't think he has when it comes to dealing with Jihadists.
    I don't hate him either, and he's not a satanist, but all he has done is talk as that was been his career and all he knows. Anyone thinking he could really change the middle east and terrorism was and still is sadly mistaken. He doesn't understand a damn thing and surrounded himself with more of the same. I don't wish him to succeed as he would gladly take my entire paycheck.
    Bush first term was pretty good overall. His second term, and congress, was abysmal and so I didnt register republican next time up.
    I'm a conservative, gun toting (NRA supporting) republican. I despise Obama. But I wanted him to succeed. It just didn't happen and he failed every step of the way. The fact he was reelected unfortunately showed the stupidity of most of lower/middle America thinking he had their interests in mind. I fully expect to get backlash for my comments but don't misunderstand that I want what's best for this country. Obama is a great politician and that shows every time he goes out on on of his campaigns. But he has ZERO clue what it takes to LEAD. Regardless of my political affiliation, I believe OBama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. I got a Fiver of your choice if he ends up outside the 5 worst presidents
    Out of the 43 presidents, I don't think Obama will end up on the bottom 5.
  • D FreshD Fresh Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 558
    D Fresh:
    Bob Luken:
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Who says he's a Kenyan, satanist commie who's ruining the country? My specific point was about his apparent naïveté in 2008. None of these Jihadists gives a crap about how Obama understands them and wants to heal the world but instead they would slice off his head if given the chance. Obama's the rube if he thought he had any special skills to deal with the world. I don't hate him. I'd prefer he succeed. But I don't think he has when it comes to dealing with Jihadists.
    I don't hate him either, and he's not a satanist, but all he has done is talk as that was been his career and all he knows. Anyone thinking he could really change the middle east and terrorism was and still is sadly mistaken. He doesn't understand a damn thing and surrounded himself with more of the same. I don't wish him to succeed as he would gladly take my entire paycheck.
    Bush first term was pretty good overall. His second term, and congress, was abysmal and so I didnt register republican next time up.
    I'm a conservative, gun toting (NRA supporting) republican. I despise Obama. But I wanted him to succeed. It just didn't happen and he failed every step of the way. The fact he was reelected unfortunately showed the stupidity of most of lower/middle America thinking he had their interests in mind. I fully expect to get backlash for my comments but don't misunderstand that I want what's best for this country. Obama is a great politician and that shows every time he goes out on on of his campaigns. But he has ZERO clue what it takes to LEAD. Regardless of my political affiliation, I believe OBama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. I got a Fiver of your choice if he ends up outside the 5 worst presidents
    Out of the 43 presidents, I don't think Obama will end up on the bottom 5.
    I think he's bottom 3 but it's not a debate for me. I hope you're right!
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    What is the use.........
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    D Fresh:
    D Fresh:
    Bob Luken:
    Blame? For what? I am only saying he's not a commie satanist born in Kenya that ruined the US.

    On a separate note, Bush sucked. It's unfair that 9/11 happened during his presidency, but he was a total rube, you can't deny that. Technically, EVERY president is to blame for the powers the executive branch has lost over the years.
    Who says he's a Kenyan, satanist commie who's ruining the country? My specific point was about his apparent naïveté in 2008. None of these Jihadists gives a crap about how Obama understands them and wants to heal the world but instead they would slice off his head if given the chance. Obama's the rube if he thought he had any special skills to deal with the world. I don't hate him. I'd prefer he succeed. But I don't think he has when it comes to dealing with Jihadists.
    I don't hate him either, and he's not a satanist, but all he has done is talk as that was been his career and all he knows. Anyone thinking he could really change the middle east and terrorism was and still is sadly mistaken. He doesn't understand a damn thing and surrounded himself with more of the same. I don't wish him to succeed as he would gladly take my entire paycheck.
    Bush first term was pretty good overall. His second term, and congress, was abysmal and so I didnt register republican next time up.
    I'm a conservative, gun toting (NRA supporting) republican. I despise Obama. But I wanted him to succeed. It just didn't happen and he failed every step of the way. The fact he was reelected unfortunately showed the stupidity of most of lower/middle America thinking he had their interests in mind. I fully expect to get backlash for my comments but don't misunderstand that I want what's best for this country. Obama is a great politician and that shows every time he goes out on on of his campaigns. But he has ZERO clue what it takes to LEAD. Regardless of my political affiliation, I believe OBama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. I got a Fiver of your choice if he ends up outside the 5 worst presidents
    Out of the 43 presidents, I don't think Obama will end up on the bottom 5.
    I think he's bottom 3 but it's not a debate for me. I hope you're right!
    I can understand your displeasure with the man but that isnt going to change some of the accomplishments he has made while in office. Ultimately, after his term is over, his presidency will be looked more favorably on. I know that may sound untrue but it has happened with George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan.
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    What is the use.........
    I know you dislike when anyone has a differing opinion then yourself, but maybe you could try and add to a conversation. You're not going to change anyone's opinion by posting snarky comments or extremely biased videos.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    What is the use.........
    I know you dislike when anyone has a differing opinion then yourself, but maybe you could try and add to a conversation. You're not going to change anyone's opinion by posting snarky comments or extremely biased videos.

    You are so far off it does not justify replying...That is, what is the use.

    As far as different opinions go, I usually cut and paste (remember, it is one of the accusations) and the comments made in reply are usually fixed reply's, as in will never be changed. Or ghost written, as in someone else's words.
    And as far as different opinions go I have no quarrel with people that "have there own thoughts", but one youngster can't even back up his "cut and paste" and never comes back with an answer. As far as the posted video, which by the way all political videos are slanted, it is a shame the whole thing isn't available because some of the people asked the questions had some serious doubts about how and where they got there news after it was over and is further proof that too many people listen to cnn, npr and msnbc. I watch all of them and Fox and cns and I use to watch BBC, and then make up my own mind. As far as what they said, I have heard the same far too often from far too many "enlightened" (say "indoctrinated") college people.

    And I say again, I am neither republican or democrat or progressive or conservative. I was raised democrat changed to republican after I returned from overseas. I went independent when it became apparent that pretty much all politicians belong in jail or a padded cell. And I think McCain would have been a terrible president but I believe that our Mormon candidate would have been far better then what we got. But, I can say with out the slightest reservation, or hesitation, the the worst thing that has happened to this country, in my lifetime, is obozo and his minions.

    And what snarky comment? For pete's sake one of your sainted conversationalists left the forum came back under another log in, made some very questionable posts, including accusing me of being a member of the KKK, which you found no problem with, and thought he was smart and not blatantly obvious. Another tactic, time and time again, is to accuse anyone who has a problem with illegal immigrants, welfare fraud, or voter fraud, of being a racist. And sooner or later it all becomes Bush's fault. So why converse, I already know what you are going to say.
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    It's dumbfounding that you don't think that your "What is the use...." remark can fall under a snarky comment.

    You do often just cut and paste articles, which in of itself is not that much of an issue. It the fact that you almost never bring up any of your own thoughts, feelings, or personal opinions about the articles that you are posting. Some of the times, it seems as if you're not even reading the articles that you are posting (WMD's found). Also, I'm not someone that is posting articles and never returning to comment on them; I assume you are talking about Dickowitz (or whatever his name is). I have also heard you on several occasions say that you get your information from several sources, but everything you seem to post comes from far-right wing commentators.

    It doesn't matter to me how you view yourself politically, but your profile talks about your dislike for liberals and how you voted only for Republicans. It would be foolish not to consider your beliefs falling right of center. As far as Romney is concerned, he lost that election because he was unwilling to connect with the media, had far to many gaffs, and flip-flopped between his Republican ideals.

    I don't understand how other people's comments about you being a KKK member has anything to do with me. I've never claimed you're a racist. Nor have I ever given supportive comments to someone who has. I've never laid praise or given a saintly status to any of the other posters on this forum. You assume to much of me. I think if you actually go back and look through my comments, you might find that I take a fairly middle of the road approach to my opinion.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Having one tonight, complete with seedy looking hotel foom.image
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    Thanks, I didn't think you'd actually resond like an adult.
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    That escalated quickly. I blame Bob for throwing a steak and walking away.
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    That escalated quickly. I blame Bob for throwing a steak and walking away.
    lol, reminded me of Anchorman.
  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    That escalated quickly. I blame Bob for throwing a steak and walking away.
    Steak? 'Twas merely a bit of 'possum jerky, but look what's become of this thread. And look at all this picking at one another that's been escalating around the NCR lately. Talk about the subject matter like grownups or ignore stuff that you don't care for but dang it, stop going after each other on a personal level. I'm about sick of it.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Politics and religion always get things going don't they?
    A president can't do it all so they surround themselves with those who can. Bush had a better staff than Obama overall, in my opinion.
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