Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
Still head and shoulders no contest far and away the bestest bomb I ever, gifted me years ago by Dan Reyes. ...
Here shown in action with an Uppowoc Perfecto. Hardly a day goes by I don't use this essential cigar accoutrement.
Here shown in action with an Uppowoc Perfecto. Hardly a day goes by I don't use this essential cigar accoutrement.
We are heirs to a comprehensive nuanced vast vocabulary which we mostly ignore.
This MotoX snaps blurry close-ups.
You can see from the toasty smirch how much it's used.
And here is how it works:
Allows you to stick your fingertips into the channel. Easier to grab a robusto or under. It ain't the spork, but it's handy. Takes a minute with a Dremel.