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Gang Violence in the Neighborhood...

Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
What the #@% is wrong with you people??? Come home early today to get some work done at home... Open the front door to check the mail and THIS is what I find...


Open up the biggest box first only to discover that I have become the latest victim of the cursed Enola Gays!!! Are you kidding me???


The return addy on the box says it's from ddubridge, but I'm thinking that is a decoy. Dang, those guys hit hard! Don't know how I got on their radar, but I vow to join the quest to uncover their true identity so that they can be brought to justice!

As if this was not enough destruction for one day, Bad Monkey decides to hit me for doing him a favor! Really dude? All I did was PM you 0patience's addy... err... I mean, send you a recipe for nachos... and you reward me with a kick in the pants?


Seriously, great lookin' sticks and I haven't tried any of them before! Thanks for the cigars (and for the return addy)... And, we're still not done. A long range ballistic missile made its way from Alaska to my front porch because Brian decided that I deserved a booby prize for helping him identify a movie in the Movie Trivia Pass.


Talk about hitting a brother when he's down! Note to self: Shut pie hole. Very nice selection, Brian! Thank you.

The final blow was struck by Roman, whom I have never provoked in any way or given any cause to lash out at me in such a brutal way! C'mon, dude! I saw your post a few days ago and laughed at the carnage that was about to be visited on several unsuspecting victims, never thinking for a second that one of them had my addy attached!


No idea how I got on your radar, but thank you for these awesome looking sticks. I've never seen those Black Crowns before and can't wait to try them!

Put 'em all together and they spell.... K-A-B-O-O-M!!! I have been destroyed. The Neighborhood is a pile of rubble.



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