Blue ain't no fluff story.

FU...this ain't no fluff piece.
The only dog injured in the tornado. Crushed hip and almost destroyed leg. A vet donated the surgery and blue pulled through. The sweetest dog that takes it upon himself to protect any puppies or young dogs that come our way. One bad habit is he searches out deer carcases and the bones cause him major intestinal problems. This time the vet was able to remove the bones without surgery and we are glad for that. No more deer because he now has his own pillow in the house.
The only dog injured in the tornado. Crushed hip and almost destroyed leg. A vet donated the surgery and blue pulled through. The sweetest dog that takes it upon himself to protect any puppies or young dogs that come our way. One bad habit is he searches out deer carcases and the bones cause him major intestinal problems. This time the vet was able to remove the bones without surgery and we are glad for that. No more deer because he now has his own pillow in the house.

To top it off, again, these morons cut through my fence and hunt our property as well. City people. ugh! Go home and play video games, you're NOT "rugged individuals roughing it in the wild". We live here!
Probably should have put this in "Things I Hate", sorry, got carried away.
At least all the deer killed here are for food. The problem is all the poaching that goes on all year long and they will not hesitate to come on private and posted property. I have always had a serious problem with "trophy" hunters and think it should be illegal.
Don't know what the vet did besides intestinal mining, but Blue has been sleeping for three days. Poor guy, I have no idea how long he was in pain or how bad it was. He seems to have made the transition from an outy to an inny with no problems, and loves his big pillow.