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Need a little help.

jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
Do any of you have any “wound care” products you are no longer in need of?

I have a serious “Venous Stasis” problem and the stuff to take care of it is going up in price all the time and I am running out. And, some of the stuff I have is outdated but I am still using it.

I have enough for maybe 5 more treatments. Going to the hospital every 4 to 7 days is out of the question because of the amount not covered by insurance. And I have not been since obozocare and it could be worse.

I have been very successful in treating the thing on my own and have not had a bout in 3 years. Have had 2 in the past 8 months and the one I have now is the worst of the lot. Any help would be very appreciated, and if there are any who have something they could sell me it will be paid but not very timely.

I really hate to ask, and if I have to go to the Wound Clinic in Jackson I of course will. Rather owe them the money then suffer the consequences.


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