Well, not meant so much to be clues to figure out. The theme is Christmas. There is a connection between a Christmas Slay (not sleigh) and Ernest clip. After all, this will turn out to be a massacre. Genocide. That's right. I'm wiping out an entire group of people here. Plus a couple others... Heck, one isn't even part of our society here. Yet. Maybe he will be. You know who he, Vance.
Well, not meant so much to be clues to figure out. The theme is Christmas. There is a connection between a Christmas Slay (not sleigh) and Ernest clip. After all, this will turn out to be a massacre. Genocide. That's right. I'm wiping out an entire group of people here. Plus a couple others... Heck, one isn't even part of our society here. Yet. Maybe he will be. You know who he, Vance.
ok I know who you are talking about!!go get them walt.
Well looks like Mr Walt thought it would be nice to leave me with a christmas package. Thank you sir. I'll get a picture up when I am home later. I opened the box and forgot to snag one quick while I was on lunch.
Well looks like Mr Walt thought it would be nice to leave me with a christmas package. Thank you sir. I'll get a picture up when I am home later. I opened the box and forgot to snag one quick while I was on lunch.
Holy cow that was fast. Wasn't expecting any of them to make it until tomorrow at the earliest.
Dude. Genocide is one thing, but turning the guns on your allies?? Alls I did was find you a cool boomy video and you return the favor by blowing my front porch to smithereens?
Seriously, bro... thank you for the card and the awesome sticks. Aside from the Oddysey (which I love), the other four are all smokes I've been wanting to try. Can't wait for the weather to break! You da man, Walt.
A Christmas Slay...
Merry Christmas from My BFH to yours.
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Seriously, bro... thank you for the card and the awesome sticks. Aside from the Oddysey (which I love), the other four are all smokes I've been wanting to try. Can't wait for the weather to break! You da man, Walt.