Old embed code for youtube videos

I have in the past stumbled upon the old code among the new crap but I forgot how I found it. It used to be easy. Click on *share*. click on *embed*. click on *use old embed code*. In the "How to format your posts [Now with Emoticons aka Smilies]" thread it states that I need to use a code. Cut and paste. Is that the only way to post youtube vids to ccom now? Seems like I stumbled upon a way to click on the old embed code within the new embed menu on youtube but I forgot how to reveal it. Any tips or tricks?
the new "iframe" code does not work on these forums.
use the code below (i have updated this in the formatting thread as well)
<embed width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Unique Video ID Goes Here">
You'll find the Unique Video ID in the URL, example below (bolded)
Video URL from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGd1eiLKY_8
Embed code would look like this:
<embed width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qGd1eiLKY_8">
And resulting video should look like this:
I was afraid you were gonna say that
Very cool and I was wondering if I was the only one having issues with embedding vids.
I will be forever curious as to why YouTube would commit such a heinous act.
Is this some more of your well-known sarcasm, JD?? (LoL) I think by now we're all well aware that it'll be a cold day in h3ll when Ccom upgrades the software. Somebody been blowing smoke up your tuckus?? ??
Now to see if they will deliver on it.
Andy says so on the second page, second post. Won't be until late this year.
i have been a part of message boards for the better part of 17 years and have been through "upgrades" and very few upgrades to completely different versions of message board software come with the ability to import old threads......it sucks, but true.