Pipe Revolution

in Pipes
Is there a revolution going on with pipes? It seemes, to me anyway, that pipes are being talked about everywhere.
C.com started carrying pipes a while ago, with tobacco and videos, Drew Estate started making, or having pipes made, for them. Cigar fed and other online retailers have jumped on the band wagon.
I have two buddies that live out of my state that are seeing a large interest in pipes as well.
Is this something new? I know that some of yall have been pipe lovers for a while, so im interested in your thoughts.
C.com started carrying pipes a while ago, with tobacco and videos, Drew Estate started making, or having pipes made, for them. Cigar fed and other online retailers have jumped on the band wagon.
I have two buddies that live out of my state that are seeing a large interest in pipes as well.
Is this something new? I know that some of yall have been pipe lovers for a while, so im interested in your thoughts.