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Sh!t just got real....

Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
Brett, dude... We talked about this... I had an especially crap ass week and a particularly crap ass day. I come home and find a my mailbox surrounded by fire trucks... Brett decided to(unprovoked) commit what I can only deem an act of war. I reach into what left of my mailbox and grab the large flat rate mailer and pull it out only to have my hand slip off due to the sheer weight of this package....oh hell no I mutter under my breath... First I pull out this...photo 55071A89-2C16-4D92-AF6F-E30623BB2094.jpg Seriously!! After I was just telling Brett how awesome Four Roses was, this is incredible!! But wait...there's more!photo 2D549A4B-B192-428A-BFFE-83C9F92E76CC.jpgA whole 6 pack, with stout glass, of a milk stout I have been dreaming about that isn't sold in CA!!! This is hands down terrific! I love you man, thanks for the incredible bomb. However... You may have had your Pearl Harbor... I will have my Hiroshima... You sir are on notice...


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