Your favorite collectable?

I got accepted to Hogwarts! Ok... I didn't... BUT I do love the series (books and movies). My wife and I are finishing up the series on Blu-Ray and only have one movie left. This is where you all get to laugh. I ordered myself a wand. LMAO! Whenever I finish up a TV/Movie/Book/Video game series I always order some sort of knicknackery. I collect random crap like that.
Whats your nerdy collectible that you are proud of?
Once it arrives in the mail... Mine is replica of Snape's wand.

Once it arrives in the mail... Mine is replica of Snape's wand.

One of these days I'm going to professionally frame my LOTR and SW:I-III sets. I haven't even taken them out of their tubes for so long. Now I'm gonna have to check. My Field of Dreams got damaged a while ago. I have some other neat movie collectible stuff. Old film cans and reels. I have a nice set of hefty decorative reels that I want to cut down the middle and turn into handles on double doors into my home theater. One day. When I have all kinds of $ to blow on something like a private home theater. One day.
This guy... Right here. lol
As for the other stuff... SWEET!~ lol Let your inner nerds out!
That's pretty neat! I love things like that!
Magic cards do count... ONLY if you have a Black Lotus.
Oh yeah, and I just counted...actually, I was wrong - I have 22.