Cigar inventory

Does anyone here keep an inventory of the cigars they own?
I have a friend that told me about an app that will allow you to inventory every cigar. He says its really cool and you can see every thing you have right there. To me it seems like a real pain in the azz. First of all to spend all the time to record every cigar, then you would have to add or delete every time you buy or smoke one. Im just wondering if anyone does this?
my biggest gripe with them is they're not all "cross platform" and sometimes don't update well between devices.
i use a gmail drive spreadsheet now (link in my signature line) and probably like it the best of everything i've tried. best part is i can access it from anywhere all i have to do is sign into gmail. and i can make it as detailed or undetailed and include whatever "categories" i want.
it's a PIA to set up the first time but good excuse to go through and check all your cigars.
biggest thing is if you're gonna do it you gotta stick with it. once you get behind and lose track of cigars for a few weeks it's hell to try and get it all sorted out again
It is a hassle at first, but once you get into the habit it becomes part of your routine. Great to search on a brand name and see every cigar you have of that brand, how old it is, and where you got it from.
I don't find it to be a hassle to check off smoked cigars.
What is a hassle is when I smoke a cigar I have no record of or discover that I left an entire humidor off the list. ('Course those cigars are enumerated in the humidor list but it's not the same).
however i cant tell you off the top of my head what cigars i own.
the thought of going through and inventorying every one of them seems time consuming. remembering to adjust it every time i buy or smoke is something that realistically wont happen.
;-) ;-) ;-)
Oh, Jeeze. And here I thought I was the resident smart-azz. You trying to steal my job, Todd?? ??