Puff/Irish/bluetattoo 11K Post Extravaganza!!

... and I'll be at 3,000. I'm trying to think of something different and creative to do. Maybe I'll just refrain from posting and freeze it at 2,999 until I come up with something good. Anybody have any cool ideas?
Oh and I don't need to say make it funny cause you're the Puffmaster
+1 on "The List". On second thought, look how much trouble it has gotten Irish into.
but if you want to do something more than that.....hmm....i think i can help....
OK, I've thought long and hard & there's only one logical thing I can come up with....now follow me for a minute.....
3000 posts.
Mr. 3000. A movie about a baseball star.
Baseball is said to have it's roots in a number of English folk games.
England part of the British Isles.
The British Isles also includes Ireland.
Bomb the snot out of 90+Irishman to celebrate....
and ends with ett
Back to the topic at hand, the more you make us wait, puffmiester; the more spectacular this had better be. And of course you know that as soon as you make post 3001 no one will know what your 3001 post was.
Back to the topic at hand, the more you make us wait, puffmiester; the more spectacular this had better be. And of course you know that as soon as you make post 3001 no one will know what your 3001 post was.
Puff Puggy