Off the deep end plans

So I hope im not the only weird one around here… Well I know most of you are weird but as to how weird I don’t know. Lol Anywho… as you read in the title this is about “off the deep end” plans. I have discussed this with my wife and had her adjust her life insurance plans to help accommodate my future needs to accomplish said plan.
My “off the deep end” plan
If something were to happen to my wife and daughter I honestly wouldn’t have anything left to live for. I want to go out in a blaze of glory (EDITED TO AVOID CONFUSION - No shooting involved. I don't want to kill anyone or hurt anyone... its not my personality to do so) or get arrested for some AWESOME reason and live the rest of my life knowing I did what I wanted to. My plan consists of selling off all our belongings, the house and our cars and traveling to Rachel Nevada for a short period of time. Between home and Rachel I will have grabbed something along the lines of a CORRS Toyota Tacoma or something along those lines. After stockpiling enough fuel for a few dry runs in the desert and get a feel for the terrain and vehicle.
After spending a week or so in Rachel and enjoying an endless line of cigars and free life… I will make my run on Area 51. Ive mapped out the roads in already and gotten a ballpark idea of how I can make a decent speed run into it… I have NO CLUE what defenses look like but looks mostly like a few simple guard gates to run through. OR I can get some decent topographical maps and try to map out a full off-road assault. Im sure I could get in a decent ways passed their no trespassing borders… but after that who knows what will happen.
So ive shown you mine… Show me yours! Lol Whats your “off the deep end” plan?
My “off the deep end” plan
If something were to happen to my wife and daughter I honestly wouldn’t have anything left to live for. I want to go out in a blaze of glory (EDITED TO AVOID CONFUSION - No shooting involved. I don't want to kill anyone or hurt anyone... its not my personality to do so) or get arrested for some AWESOME reason and live the rest of my life knowing I did what I wanted to. My plan consists of selling off all our belongings, the house and our cars and traveling to Rachel Nevada for a short period of time. Between home and Rachel I will have grabbed something along the lines of a CORRS Toyota Tacoma or something along those lines. After stockpiling enough fuel for a few dry runs in the desert and get a feel for the terrain and vehicle.
After spending a week or so in Rachel and enjoying an endless line of cigars and free life… I will make my run on Area 51. Ive mapped out the roads in already and gotten a ballpark idea of how I can make a decent speed run into it… I have NO CLUE what defenses look like but looks mostly like a few simple guard gates to run through. OR I can get some decent topographical maps and try to map out a full off-road assault. Im sure I could get in a decent ways passed their no trespassing borders… but after that who knows what will happen.
So ive shown you mine… Show me yours! Lol Whats your “off the deep end” plan?
If the government wants to keep an eye on me... They are gonna be severely bored. lol!!! Wake up, work, go home eat dinner, play minecraft and sleep... Lather rinse repeat.
Oh.... this idea sounds a lot more appealing.
As for drinking and yelling at kids on your lawn... I do that as is. lol
Next time you are in town we will work up a detailed map and possible points of entry to the Shizza stronghold.
Nothing wrong with just goin a little bit crazy instead of balls to the wall nut case. lol
I'm too old for a blaze of glory, maybe a puff of smoke is more like it. Thinking, eventually I would take a national road trip, drop in and personally bomb some BOTL's. That would be a puff of smoke.
Actually, I am retiring next year, my wife the next, and we are thinking of traveling out to Washington, California and Texas to see family and hang out.
If you do go off the deep end, plans are out the window and instincts kick in, look out.
A true gentlemans establishment!
Pooh on this 'blaze of glory' crap. That's strictly for defeatists..... Life's just too much fun to get all serious about it. LMAO. ??
(*meaning what feels the most in line with who I am as a person and what I want out of life, instead of what everybody else tells me I'm supposed to do)
"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea" - Isak Dinesen
But that sailboat idea sounds great too
The soundest advice I could offer, having lost a wife to cancer at 39, losing a job of 30 years when the bums decided they could make more money by moving to Mexico, having the 2nd wife walk out... on top, and along with all the normal crap life throws at you, is to not make any major decisions or changes for a good long time. The strangest thing that happens to a person's mind during profound grief is that they think they are still thinking straight, but can't tell that they're not.
Yeah life is damn tough to say the least. Its hard when loss happens. And you couldn't be anymore true on your statement about thinking clearly in a state of grief. That's why im making my plan while im still "mentally stable" lol
I should tell you sometime about the home-invasion that happened here 4yrs ago. Another nightmare that could've sunk the ship. It seems like the Lord has my life on a peaceful plateau for a good chunk of time, then something horrific happens, then it's back to smooth sailing.
my wife and I have been having the same pattern happen over the last 8 years. It seems like every 4-6 months our lives have to get shaken up really hard and then it all gets back to normal and smooth. Lather rinse repeat!