&^%$ the weather report

At 1AM it said 5-7 inches of snow on the weather map.
At 2AM it said 8 inches.
At 6AM we had 1 inch of ice pellets and it is still coming down.
At 2AM it said 8 inches.
At 6AM we had 1 inch of ice pellets and it is still coming down.

I was actually looking forward to the first measurable snow since I have been down here. And much prefer snow over ice any day.
...from the drive this morning....
..... IPCC 2001 Third Assessment Report.
In the 30+ years I have been in Delaware, this is the first time I can recall temps below 5 degrees. Twas 1* this morning, and 8" snow is predicted tonight. Once the temps drop into the singles, I'm rolling the dice whether my motorcycle will start after parking in front of the office all day. Oil gets thick, battery gets weak. The KLR has an automagic compression release that makes super cold starts more likely. But at 2*, I'm not optimistic.
Talked to a guy in North Carolina today. Told me his shop was unheated, and temps in the 20s; wearing all the layers he could, but his toes were hurting. Just got off the phone with a gal from the northeast part of that state, where it hit 18* last night. Reading about record snowfall in Lhasa. Snow killing animals in Spain. A fishing vessel trapped in ice near Antarctica.
“Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms.”
..... IPCC 2001 Third Assessment Report.
The back door to the deck is open, was buried to the roof. Little damage not too bad.
Everything stopped and the we got about 3 minutes of snow. Otherwise just ice.
Yep, left the house at 6AM yesterday 64 got to the job site about 50 min later 36 with 20 Mph wind, calling for mid 50's today and 60's tomorrow. I feel for the brothers up north, but I don't miss it at all!
Part of me misses it, but only a little bit, its gotta be hell to work and commute in
Light, fluffy, 5", A nice workout shovelling the drive. Then a slow relaxed drive to work. Tires crunching, flakes floating. You got to like weather. The breath of the universe.
Worst thing that happened, yoga got cancelled. The instructor advised snowga instead:
There's only two of us who appreciate weather for the great thing it is: Me and Jim Cantore. Well, us, and all the children home from school today, making snowmen and looking for a slope to slide down. Soon enough, we'll all be in a hermetically sealed box where there is no weather. Enjoy it while you can.
I saw a report that part of the obesity epidemic is because we don't allow ourselves to get cold enough to force our bodies to use energy just to stay warm.
i know you guys have had a particularly brutal winter/snow this year but you best check those gutters as soon as the temps warm up ... and check that attic insulation too, could be getting ice dams.
Oh, believe me, we have Hoover-sized ice dams, as does everyone else up here. We've had one intermittent inside leak so far, and people tell us we're lucky--all the local Home Depots have run out of pails.