Excellent, very thorough review! I´ve liked the PDR´s that I´ve had, but this one wasn´t one of them. Also, I´d say that their price point definitely factored into my value perception (much as this one here), so there´s that.
Do we get to make requests? I'd love to see your thoughts on a Sons of Anarchy. If you don't have one, PM me your addy and I'll get one to ya
I've smoked a few. Sherm sent me a few a couple of months ago, but I might have finished them off. I also had one via a trade that had a year or so of age on it. Although I didn't write any notes down I will say that the year of rest was very kind to the cigar. It turned it from just a very strong enjoyable cigar to something that was excellent with a lot of depth. I remember it so well, because I was shocked at how good it was. I'll see if I can lay my hand on another one and let ya know.
Boy, 5 Bucks a stick, I gotta keep an eye out for these.
Taxes in the lousy state of NJ i's hare to find smokes under $6... Betchya if I found one here it would be $8-$9!
Yeah the same here in California if not more. The prices I am quoting are from sticks I've bought here on ccom. If you buy singles at a regular B&M $5 won't get you much for sure. In less I am really spoiling myself or I'm buying something to bomb out I hardly ever spend more than that.