We got ice nothing but ice and it is still there. Have not even started the car. No delivery's and no visitors. Kids have not left the house and we got no salt for walks and steps. Nothing is melting and the weather (%$#^* &^$#) keeps teasing about more ice or snow. I got flat rates that have been sitting here for a week and a UPS return with a time limit. Can't pay the bills because they ain't on the net. Can't get to the doctor to re-fill my meds. Ate the last of the ice cream. They don't prepare for this kind of weather here so no sand/salt on the roads.
But, we went shopping before the "storm", and I have cigars and plenty of booze so I guess it could be worse.
But, we went shopping before the "storm", and I have cigars and plenty of booze so I guess it could be worse.