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holiday Pass

kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
since phobic has unforeseen business to attend to i will run the holiday pass again. everyone who wants to participate in the secret santa style pass for the holiday season should sign up here!

send me your name and address (via PM) and i will redistribute the wealth, i mean, names to everyone. the name you get is the name that you will send a cigar related package to. Included in your PM to sign up should be the following:
your name and address
a short list of things (cigar related accessories) you want. ( lighters, ashtrays, etc...)
a short list of things you DONT want. (i dont need another cutter i already have 3)
your preference on cigars
the price limit will be in the spirit of $30.00. This $30 is for the "main" gift. any cigars are on top of that. the limit on cigars will be the same as a PIF (3-5) minus the rule that you dont send out super premium. you are welcome to send out any cigar you chose. (no crap though, of course).

RULES you must have 25+ posts AND be in good standing as a trader.
you must sign up before Thanksgiving.
the names will be distributed either that night or early the next day.
Gifts can start going out on December 7th. and must be sent by Dec 19th
dont buy things that people dont want (duh)
Put a return address on the box but not your real name or forum name.
return Addy should be "Ccom Holiday Pass" or "Ccom Secret Santa" or something of the like.
after you have sent me the PM, post here that you signed up so we can all see who is participating

i hope that takes care of it all. If there are any issues or questions please post them here. If the rules change I will go back and edit this post so that all of the rules are in the first post and easy to find.

lets have some fun!


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