Beating winter in the garage....

Been a tough winter on Long Island so far, but I've been in my garage with a good smoke almost every night. Got a detached garage with a propane heater, underground cable, flat screen, a small exhaust fan, a $15 recliner from the thrift shop, and a throw rug. Oh, and a heating blanket on the chair. Even when it's 10 degrees out, I've been toasty. Who else is beating up on Mr. Snow?
Ha! I don't have a mailbox anymore, was blown to pieces last week!
Nice, cause my garage smells like ish!
For now I'm banished to my backroom man-hole with an exhaust fan sucking the heat out. Contributing to global warming. But I did get a thank you card from the oil company, using so much oil they didn't have to layoff Sam this year, lol.
I built a man cave shed to hang out in. Full exhaust, a plasma TV and a propane wood stove keep to keep me warm.
Since then temps have plummeted again (it was -6 when I felt for work today). I don't even dare visit my stogies anymore because every time I open the humidor whatever little humiidity is in there gets sucked right out into the bone-dry air.