Need some good vibes

I got a call from my mom this morning that my dad had a stroke last night. He had surgery this morning and they were able to remove the clot. Still not out of the woods yet, but he was able to raise his arm coming out of surgery which is promising. The extent of the damage is uncertain as is recovery of motor skills and speech.
If you would please send some good vibes his way. He could surely use anything he can get at this point. Thanks.
If you would please send some good vibes his way. He could surely use anything he can get at this point. Thanks.
The good news is that he can move all four limbs. He couldn't move his right arm and leg this morning. His leg is able to move and he was able to move his arm some and straighten his fingers upon request from the nurse.
The bad news is that his speech is slurred and mostly mumbling. He also thought his name was William, but it's Bob. We're not sure if the confusion was because of the anesthesia or what. They'll keep him in ICU for the next few days due to the risk of bleeding in his brain. There's only a 10-15% chance of bleeding, but if it happens it could be catastrophic. After the risk subsides he'll move to inpatient physical/speech therapy.
He did however give my mom positive response that he didn't want me to worry or to travel home to be there with him. So at least he is still as stubborn as usual. And in typical fashion I'm going to do the opposite of what he tells me to do, because I inherited his stubborn ways. Hopefully I'll be by his side before lunch tomorrow. Thanks for the well wishes gentlemen. It means a lot.
His speech is mostly gone for the time being. He is able to do series like counting to ten and the months. Yes or no questions and automatic responses are good. Anything that requires thought or articulation just comes out gibberish though. He's pretty frustrated. The words are there he just can't get them out. This should improve with time and speech therapy. He would struggle to say something, roll his eyes, and then say either never mind, damnit, or just stick his tongue out at us.
He is in good spirits and has a sense of humor about it. He was very happy to see me. I held his hand and told him I loved him, and he said "it's ok." Parents will be parents. Of course we pestered him a little and got him to flip us off so he is still as ornery as ever.
I don't know how you'd go about contacting someone regarding the following but the video says they have a way of treating strokes that's non-invasive.
Click Here
More can probably be learned by googling it....