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mustluvcigarsmustluvcigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 686
Food Fight

Does anyone out there that is a franchisee or work for a franchisee in the food business have any thoughts on this?


  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.
  • mustluvcigarsmustluvcigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 686
    Well if you want to help with their demise,(per article in link) just go order from the dollar menu.
  • JdoraisJdorais Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 653
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.
    +1 I totally agree with this! The next great national lawsuit ala big tobacco is going to be against the food indusrty.
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.
    +1 I totally agree with this! The next great national lawsuit ala big tobacco is going to be against the food indusrty.

    I meant to respond to this one...

    What, so we can lose more freedoms? I agree, I don't like fast food, but outlawing it is no different than people who despise tobacco and so outlaw using it. If you don't like it, don't go there. People should have the freedom to choose. We are losing more and more freedoms all in the pursuit for the benefit of people's health. What's the difference in outlawing tobacco and outlawing fast food? Neither are 'good for you'. One is definitely more enjoyable than the other, but which is more enjoyable will vary greatly depending on who you ask.

    I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just sick of gov't getting involved in so many different arenas. They are outlawing everything all in the pursuit of health. Let me choose to be healthy or not! I don't need a mother watching over my shoulders to make sure I eat enough grapes everyday. Again, just my 2 cents, but don't take offense, I'm just spoutin' off.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just sick of gov't getting involved in so many different arena's. They are outlawing everything all in the pursuit of health. Let me choose to be healthy or not! I don't need a mother watching over my shoulders to make sure I eat enough grapes everyday. Again, just my 2 cents, but don't take offense, I'm just spoutin' off.
    Ultimately, our choice is to give up Utopian quests or give up our freedom. This has been recognized for centuries by some, but many others have not yet faced that reality, even today. If you think government should "do something" about anything that ticks you off, or anything you want and don't have, then you have made your choice between Utopia and freedom.
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just sick of gov't getting involved in so many different arena's. They are outlawing everything all in the pursuit of health. Let me choose to be healthy or not! I don't need a mother watching over my shoulders to make sure I eat enough grapes everyday. Again, just my 2 cents, but don't take offense, I'm just spoutin' off.
    Ultimately, our choice is to give up Utopian quests or give up our freedom. This has been recognized for centuries by some, but many others have not yet faced that reality, even today. If you think government should "do something" about anything that ticks you off, or anything you want and don't have, then you have made your choice between Utopia and freedom.
    Very well put.

    I thought at the end of the commercial BK said price and participation may vary. Why dont' those biotchin about the price just not lower it? I guess it would be bad for business but it seems they have a choice to me. It's a business decision and may be a tough one but they seem to me to have a decision none the less. I don't know BK politics so I can't comment too much but why have the disclaimer if they are required to follow the max price?

    As far as the fast food in general thing goes...like said previously if you don't want the food don't go there. People suing someone that sold them something when they knew or know the health implications is part of what's bringing the country down.

    If government bans unhealthy food I think they should require people to excercise. But then gyms will be too expensive so the govt will take those over and nationalize them as well.... maybe a bit exaggerated but certainly a slipperly slope that I feel we may already be sliding down.
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just sick of gov't getting involved in so many different arena's. They are outlawing everything all in the pursuit of health. Let me choose to be healthy or not! I don't need a mother watching over my shoulders to make sure I eat enough grapes everyday. Again, just my 2 cents, but don't take offense, I'm just spoutin' off.
    Ultimately, our choice is to give up Utopian quests or give up our freedom. This has been recognized for centuries by some, but many others have not yet faced that reality, even today. If you think government should "do something" about anything that ticks you off, or anything you want and don't have, then you have made your choice between Utopia and freedom.
    Very well put.

    I thought at the end of the commercial BK said price and participation may vary. Why dont' those biotchin about the price just not lower it? I guess it would be bad for business but it seems they have a choice to me. It's a business decision and may be a tough one but they seem to me to have a decision none the less. I don't know BK politics so I can't comment too much but why have the disclaimer if they are required to follow the max price?

    As far as the fast food in general thing goes...like said previously if you don't want the food don't go there. People suing someone that sold them something when they knew or know the health implications is part of what's bringing the country down.

    If government bans unhealthy food I think they should require people to excercise. But then gyms will be too expensive so the govt will take those over and nationalize them as well.... maybe a bit exaggerated but certainly a slipperly slope that I feel we may already be sliding down.

    Agreed. If the government wants to look out for the well-being of it's citizens and will use law to accomplish that, where does it stop? The slippery slope definitely plays a huge role here. We all know that it's healthier to have a bit of routine when it comes to eating. Eat breakfast when you wake up, be sure to eat a little something for lunch, and don't eat dinner to late. Snacks after dinner are never considered 'healthy'. So why not put into regulation when we should eat, or even what we should eat? NYC has already outlawed trans fats.

    On another note, it's healthier to go to bed at around the same time everynight and get 8 hrs. of rest. Why not regulate that everyone has to be in bed by certain time (depending on what shift(s) you work) and be up a certain time so you don't oversleep? Like you mentioned earlier, this is taking it to an extreme, but the point is made. Where does it stop?

    Louis Lowry wrote a fantastic book called "The Giver". If you have not read it, I can not recommend it enough. Do yourself a favor and read it! Yes, it is a book for 'young readers', but I read it in college and loved it. It is a fictional story of a utilitarian society seeking a type of utopia. The truths relayed in this book are phenomenal and is layed out so very clearly.
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.

    Actually, I do have a response for this. Now if the fast food sector completely fell away because people weren't buying, I would have no problems with this. This would be the result of people simply refusing to eat there. But the point is, they would choose to not eat, they weren't prohibited from eating.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.

    Actually, I do have a response for this. Now if the fast food sector completely fell away because people weren't buying, I would have no problems with this. This would be the result of people simply refusing to eat there. But the point is, they would choose to not eat, they weren't prohibited from eating.
    Yeah. That's what I was saying. Where did all this talk about government come from??? I must have missed something.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    im guilty...

    with all my training in the world of food, with all my cookbooks, all my watching of the food network, i still like taco bell.
    i would be sad if it was gone.
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930
    im guilty...

    with all my training in the world of food, with all my cookbooks, all my watching of the food network, i still like taco bell.
    i would be sad if it was gone.
    I'm not sure if I could go on living without Taco Bell. I love that place.
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    No offense to anyone out there whose income is derived from working for fast food restaurants, but I hope the entire sector collapses. I've just always despised fast food and the crap that they try to pawn off on the American public as food.

    Actually, I do have a response for this. Now if the fast food sector completely fell away because people weren't buying, I would have no problems with this. This would be the result of people simply refusing to eat there. But the point is, they would choose to not eat, they weren't prohibited from eating.
    Yeah. That's what I was saying. Where did all this talk about government come from??? I must have missed something.

    The idea came up of lawsuits against the food industry and the thought of appealing to the gov't for this just kinda got me goin'. So, it's my fault.

    Kuzi, I didn't say I wanted the fast food sector to go away, I just wouldn't have a problem with it. Of course, I would miss Jack-in-the-Box.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i know...
    i was just displaying my love/hate of fast food as well. I know its bad for me. i dont eat it often. the quality in fast food is the opposite of everything that i look for in good food.

    but i cant keep my ass out of taco bell.
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    i know...
    i was just displaying my love/hate of fast food as well. I know its bad for me. i dont eat it often. the quality in fast food is the opposite of everything that i look for in good food.

    but i cant keep my ass out of taco bell.

    Then I'm sure you can't keep Taco Bell out of your ass.
  • HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
    i know...
    i was just displaying my love/hate of fast food as well. I know its bad for me. i dont eat it often. the quality in fast food is the opposite of everything that i look for in good food.

    but i cant keep my ass out of taco bell.

    Then I'm sure you can't keep Taco Bell out of your ass.
    BStayer..that's just strange...
  • BStayerBStayer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 318
    i know...
    i was just displaying my love/hate of fast food as well. I know its bad for me. i dont eat it often. the quality in fast food is the opposite of everything that i look for in good food.

    but i cant keep my ass out of taco bell.

    Then I'm sure you can't keep Taco Bell out of your ass.
    BStayer..that's just strange...

    Well, everyone knows that Taco Bell is the food that keeps on giving...and giving. If you ask your buddies and/or your wives, I'm sure they'd all agree that about an hour after eating taco bell, the room can take on a rather peculiar aroma. It's like a Glade Air Freshner gone bad. It just never seems to leave you, more specifically, your ass.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Edited - Dont want to offend anyone on the forum...not tonight anyway ...its been a long day and I thought better of the post !
  • mustluvcigarsmustluvcigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 686
    I thought at the end of the commercial BK said price and participation may vary. Why dont' those biotchin about the price just not lower it? I guess it would be bad for business but it seems they have a choice to me. It's a business decision and may be a tough one but they seem to me to have a decision none the less. I don't know BK politics so I can't comment too much but why have the disclaimer if they are required to follow the max price?
    That is the point of the lawsuit, They dont have a choice or do they? I saw an article a while back about a BK owner in Grand Central Station, who filed a similiar suit, and I think that is the one aluded to in this article in which the courts said the franchisee must participate in national offers.
    Making them sell the food at a loss? really, this is what I am not sure about, Was hoping some of you in the food biz would have some insight on this.

    ps. sorry for hijacking this thread back to its scheduled destination.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Edited - Dont want to offend anyone on the forum...not tonight anyway ...its been a long day and I thought better of the post !
    I need that filter!
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Lassy, if you censored yourself you wouldn't be any fun and we wouldn't like you! ;)
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,487
    Ok so the people that own the BK franchise's are pissed becaue they are forced to sell the double at 1.00 but everything else on the 1.00 menu is money makers ...... the dollar fries or rings cost the 53 cents the dollar drink is like 23 cents ........and they even make like 20 cents on the spicy ckickin sandwich ..... people are going to add the other dollar crap to there order .... so the franchise owners should zip it .... they did it to draw customers away from wendys and mccrapolds ..... and geuss what .................. its working ................. oh yeah and it tastes better ...........
  • mustluvcigarsmustluvcigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 686
    Ok so the people that own the BK franchise's are pissed becaue they are forced to sell the double at 1.00 but everything else on the 1.00 menu is money makers ...... the dollar fries or rings cost the 53 cents the dollar drink is like 23 cents ........and they even make like 20 cents on the spicy ckickin sandwich ..... people are going to add the other dollar crap to there order .... so the franchise owners should zip it .... they did it to draw customers away from wendys and mccrapolds ..... and geuss what .................. its working ................. oh yeah and it tastes better ...........
    I am not in fast food per se, but my expierence tells me any offer that brings in new customers and or drives order counts would be a good offer, Granted this double is 55% food cost, I just dont think every owner can say itys losing them money, you just cant pawn off every single penny of cost into every order, your paying the rent and the wages with or with out this offer. Especially if it is bringing in dollars they would not have been getting in the first place. I am curious if this organization that filed suit is truly on behalf of all its members or just a few high-rent, high profile owners grumbling the loudest.
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