Wii U...and Old ladies playing Call of Duty :)

Thoughts on the Wii U? We have Xboxes (360 and One). On them I really only play Call of Duty. Don't worry, I've already told the husband that our next hobby is going to be knitting or something feminine! We also got my mom hooked on CoD, which is hilarious because she's a 62 year old retiree. Anyway back on topic, thinking of getting a Wii U because I've always liked the Nintendo games (Mario and Zelda mostly). What does the handheld console actually do? If I put it in the playroom and I want to play Mario, can I play it on that?
Punch Out, that's great!! At one point on my Xbox, I downloaded a bunch of Atari games. I played River Raid and Pitfall quite a bit. I never would've though that I would get into a first person shooter game either. I agreed to give it a shot and was terrible at it at first, but I eventually got ok. I'm still pretty bad, but I have fun. I just can't find any other game on the Xbox that I like as much as the Nintendo franchise. The LEGO games are too boring, the other adult games are too complicated. I am seriously terrible at GTA, though that one I'll play once in a while.
Did you just say that YOU (and YOUR MOM) play Call of Duty, you HEED THE CALL?
So, so awesome, just awesome
Not a big WI guy myself, but I think you can rock just about any nintendo from it?
Yup, me and my Moms
360 no scopes? Is that where I hover in a corner and unload my entire mag hitting the opponent with 1 less bullet than I need to kill him before dying? Yes, I do that ALL DAY LONG!!!
You and Dzr are crackin me up lol!
So you smoke cigars and play call of duty? True greatness and moms busting caps and head shots is so much win, only bad part is the xbox, cuz I'd roll squad with yall any day!
Yes Smok3y, I was reviewing my hobbies the other day...Call of Duty, Cigars, Golf, Guns (though that's sort of minimal due to time), and whiskey. Hence why we are taking up knitting next! Time for the hubby to take one for the team.
i'm just picturing some whiny little 10 year old (had some neighbors with kids like this a couple houses ago) on COD gettin' lit up by Edna and her mom....sooo awesome.
Mam, I cannot argue in your husbands defense, but I can ask for leniency.....knitting?!?!?! How bout gardening, or antique ing! Well, at least with knitting he'll be inside the house
Updated the subject line to appropriately fit the thread
OMG, I hate those little f*ing f*ers. Their language is so bad. They sit there and trash talk and then cry when they get killed. If I know one of them is a kid, I'll do nothing but look for them the whole match
Smok3y, I'm making him take the garden out of the backyard. The house we bought had a big garden (fenced and netted to keep the deer and critters out), it's nice, but they put it right in the middle of the yard. Maybe it's the best place for sunlight, but I hate it. We tried to grow stuff last year, but we don't have time to manage it well and I don't know what to do with the stuff we get out of it anyway, so we're getting rid of it this year. We'll go back to gardening when we're actually home on the weekends when we're 80.
In closing...
Reasons for Death in CoD