Regarding how to know a cigar completely
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 57
I just wonder that if there's any sources I can refer to to figure out, for a particular cigar, what grade is the tobacco, when it is grown, what factory is it rolled by, who's the blender, and specifics like all these.
wrapper/binder/filler and country of origin are about all you can expect.
you could try contacting a rep (either at the vendor, distributor, or manufacturer level).....but chances are if the info isn't disclosed on the packaging or online description, they're not going to tell you.
correct are the comments about detailed information
there are too many factors even beyond what was mentioned. Seed verity, country it is grown in, soil conditions, when and how it is fertilized, that years temperature, sunlight, rain, how and when it is harvested, where on the plant it came from, how it is cured, how long it is cured. temperature during fermentation, moisture during fermentation, how often the pilones are rotated, the pressure on them, how long the tobacco is aged post fermentation, how the tobacco is treated during the roll....
that little list is off the top of my head. if i really sit down and think about it, im sure there are about a dozen more major factors. this doesnt even take into account blending and how much of each leaf is used in a cigar.
if you want to know more about tobacco, just keep reading everything you can get your hands on.
Sorry, had to say it!
-what? you arent gunna call it in the morning ?
Depends, sometimes the good ole yardgars provide the most bang for the buck!