damned stress

just bitchin', but things at work are really "eventful" right now. bean counters from corporate say the bottom line isn't where it should be, direct overhead is too high, operating expenses are murderous, and I still have to try to get two years of capital expense type projects completed in the next three months. Plus bring the plant into the 21st century regarding HS&E retroactively. Oh yeah, cut 10% of the workforce and get more throughput, too. I don't see how it's going to happen in the time frame the 7 figure guys think it should, but I'm still going to swing for the fences anyways. Hell, if I pull off 25% of what they want I should get into Heaven on a waiver. Just hoping to get a good night's sleep for once. I mean, I just started this gig four months ago, WTF? On top of all that, there are some serious reindeer games going on with some of the management; the company was bought by a large capital group last fall, and some of the old guard (family of the old owner) think that they know how things should be done. If that was true, the place wouldn't have been in dire straits and been bought out by the competition. If I could just get them to understand that modern companies use tools like six sigma and lean principles things might not be so cluster-f(*&d every time someone opens their fat yap. I need a vacation dammit.
thanks for listening. Thank god tomorrow is Friday.
Just don't quit, lol.
Our PPM is Predictive Preventative Maintenance, used to be just PM, Preventative Maintenance, no not good enough. Now it's TPM, Total Predictive Maintenance, WTF. My job is to keep the equipment running, this crap ain't working, time to break out the Ouija board.
That sounds like a win for sure!
Do you ISO? That would be Intense Simultaneous Orgasm, another expense companies have to endure to compete with China.