Who Wants More Las Calaveras? UPDATED MAYBE 1 MORE BOX?

Hey guys, so a week back I picked up the remaining Las Calaveras (2014) from my shop for Brad. Well the manager said they may be able to get more and tried to order them in. He gave me a call yesterday, got in a full box of the Toro sized 2014 Las Calaveras and I wanted to make sure that those who have been hunting for more of these know where to get them. I'm happy to pick up and ship to anyone who wants them. I'd prefer to send a full box to one person if someone wants a whole box but whatever works. I don't have coin to buy the box so it's still there but they aren't moving so not a huge thing. Shoot me a PM or text if you'd like me to pick them up and ship to you

I give up.
My store manager order in a box of the LE2014 Las Calveras 6" x 52rg box of 24 cigars. I do not own them and do not have in my custody. He ordered the box since he knows that I am on Ccom and several members have been trying to locate boxes of these cigars. So they are not mine nor do I have the box in my possession.
What I am offering is basically middle man service lol, I have hunted down and located a box at my local shop and wanted to let y'all know so that those who have been hunting for these have the chance to get them. I will gladly help someone by having them PayPal me their money, I go to my lounge and buy the cigars and then ship them to the person who buys them. Already have done this for Brad, and have done this for many others before with cigars or booze. I apologize if I mislead or was confusing in any way, they are not mine nor do I own any other than the two I have thanks to Brad and Ben
Charlie was the first one who responded so I hqve PM'd him with the specifics that I am aware of. If Charlie passes then I will offer to JD next since he showed interest second, and so on and so forth. If someone buys the whole box it is up to them if they wish to part out some of it to other brothers. Basically I am acting as a broker in this case. I will not ask nor accept any form of compensation, I'm not that kind of broker just ask all of the brothers and sisters that I've done this for recently (close to 12+). Just trying to help the community locate some cigars that many have been hunting lately is all
Looks like JD, Jimmy, Brad and Jiunn will be the first ones up with Ben being next if someone decides they don't want in. Sound good?