Humidor mold - feedback requested

I found mold in my 150 count humidor tray. I wiped down the entire inside and tray with 1/2 distilled water 1/2 aclohol, then wiped down with distilled water after about 2 hours, left open for 24 hours and then put my cigars back in the humidor. I've smoked 3 cigars after one day and they seem to leave a strange aftertaste, perhaps the taste of the alcohol. I have about 45 high end cigars in the box and I'm worried I've ruined them. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Here are a few of my thoughts on your situation.
"I have not put my sticks in a cooler before. Is that the refrigerator in a tupperware container?"
LOL, no don't put your cigars in the refrigerator. By cooler, we don't mean cold storage. We mean storage in a camping type cooler at room temperature. (Coleman or Igloo) And, by tupperware, we mean any type of plastic container. Rubbermaid, Tupperware, etc. Make sure any container you use is odorless and airtight or almost airtight. A big ziplock bag will do just fine as well. keep your ziplock out of direct sunlight. Keep you hygrometer in there with your cigars. Sometimes a gel type device will over humidify inside a bag or tupperware container. Your sticks would probably be fine in your ziplock bag without any humidifier. Just go by what you hygrometer tells you to do.
My guess is that some of the alcohol had not evaporated and the cigars that were touching the wood may have picked up some of that alcohol. And that may be the cigars you chose to smoke first.
I've heard that a solution of 50/50 water and white vinegar is good to use for mold on spanish cedar. I've been told it will evaporate completely.
Let your humidor air out for a few days then close it up for a day and then try a sniff test. If you still smell alcohol, increase the time you air it out until you are certain you can keep it closed up and no longer smell alcohol. My guess is it will eventually be OK. Then you'll have to re-season it. All the while keep sniff testing it. If the odor never does go away you can always store other things in it.
If you do any sanding you need to know that spanish cedar can be an especially harsh respiratory irritant. Google it. Wear a suitable mask and any other precautions necessary.
And yes, as advised by practically everyone, you simply HAVE TO toss that humidifier that came with your humidor. Higher RH equals more chance for mold. Try 65% RH. Boveda 65% is my strongest recommendation and easiest way to achieve 65%.
Let us know how it turns out