First of all, our family in PA looks like they're living the life of Riley. Beautiful nest, no snow, looks like it's very warm. Both eagles look well groomed, calm, and not overly tired. You don't seem them doing all that much other than sitting on the nest. For example, having seen much feeding of the babes going on.
Then look at the Minnesota cam. The nest looks like it's about to fall apart. It's been covered with snow a lot of the time and the wind seems to be constantly blowing. I've only seen one eagle there, which I assume is the mom, and she's constantly moving around. Every time I check in she's feeding the eaglets and looking tired and scraggly as hell. But on that cam the view of the kids is priceless.
The eaglet on the right appears to be the dominant sibling (domsib) and the one on the left is the submissive one (subsib). Domsib, the cheeky little bastidge, appears to be trying to kill Subsib every chance he gets. Aggressively pecking at poor Subsib even while the parent is trying to feed them both. I hope Subsib survives. Interesting..... ??
Well, when I looked a few minutes ago the nest looked fairly well-stocked with food, a parent was feeding the eaglets, and all was right with the world. But does anyone have any idea what the large, black area to the left side of the nest is - or when it appeared?? It wasn't there the last time I checked. I hope it isn't someone's pet dog..... ??
Yes, I think it is a dog. You could make out a couple paws yesterday. Dunno whether it's kill or carrion. One thing for sure, these two parents are good providers.
Yes, I think it is a dog. You could make out a couple paws yesterday. Dunno whether it's kill or carrion. One thing for sure, these two parents are good providers.
When I lived in Kremmling, CO on a construction job, you dared not let your cat or small/medium dog outdoors unless you wanted to feed the eagles.... They were goldens in that area, though.... ??
First of all, our family in PA looks like they're living the life of Riley. Beautiful nest, no snow, looks like it's very warm. Both eagles look well groomed, calm, and not overly tired. You don't seem them doing all that much other than sitting on the nest. For example, having seen much feeding of the babes going on.
Then look at the Minnesota cam. The nest looks like it's about to fall apart. It's been covered with snow a lot of the time and the wind seems to be constantly blowing. I've only seen one eagle there, which I assume is the mom, and she's constantly moving around. Every time I check in she's feeding the eaglets and looking tired and scraggly as hell. But on that cam the view of the kids is priceless.
The eaglet on the right appears to be the dominant sibling (domsib) and the one on the left is the submissive one (subsib). Domsib, the cheeky little bastidge, appears to be trying to kill Subsib every chance he gets. Aggressively pecking at poor Subsib even while the parent is trying to feed them both. I hope Subsib survives. Interesting..... ??
When I lived in Kremmling, CO on a construction job, you dared not let your cat or small/medium dog outdoors unless you wanted to feed the eagles.... They were goldens in that area, though.... ??