I'm trying to decide if i want to spring for one of these, or go with that new Zune HD. From all the reviews I've seen on it and the comparisons to the iPod touch, apparently the screen is a lot higher quality than the Touch, even if it is a tad smaller. I guess it's pretty slick. Anyone have one of these? I'm curious to know what a normal person thinks of it, and not one of the internet techie site reviewers.
I'm trying to decide if i want to spring for one of these, or go with that new Zune HD. From all the reviews I've seen on it and the comparisons to the iPod touch, apparently the screen is a lot higher quality than the Touch, even if it is a tad smaller. I guess it's pretty slick. Anyone have one of these? I'm curious to know what a normal person thinks of it, and not one of the internet techie site reviewers.
Have faith in the internet techie !! They live for this sortta stuff, normal people are not to be trusted!
Mobile Apps development... Its not really my full-time job - I am in the IT field, but its a growing part of it...
In short, they're paying him to see what porn sites are mobile-friendly. Just kidding, but yeah, I have an ipod touch, nifty little device. It's funny, you see things like the ipod and wonder what they can do next, a year later, and they *** all over you with new features. The next one can cook, clean, and do the horizontal no-pants-dance.
now...to find a normal person