
in Cigar 101
Hey guys...sorry ive been away...quick a new town...things are going well. In my new fast paced life ive found the need to shorten my smoke time. I love big ring gauges and full bodied smokes, but now I'm looking to shorten my smoking times on occasion...(like a lunch break) I know this has been a topic posted a zillion times but im too lazy to look through all the posts....if you can help me out...just name a few corona's or short smokes you know of that are of good quality so i can throw together my own sampler. No need for the 5 vegas shorty cause ive got that one in my cart already...thanks guys!!!! (and gals respectively)
La Aurora 1495 Cameroon 1994.
Small corona size, but not short on flavor. This smdoke is a little pricey, but if it fits into your budget, it's definately worth a shot.