Humidity beads question

in Cigar 101
Ok, I just got a pound of humidity beads, and I'm a tad worried that I didn't charge them right. Here is how I did it:
I put about 3/4 of the beads in a mesh bag and dipped it intu distlled water (making sure to get all the beads). Then shook off the excess moisture when most of the excess was gone, I added the other 1/4 of the beads to the mesh bag.
This should be adequate, right?
I put about 3/4 of the beads in a mesh bag and dipped it intu distlled water (making sure to get all the beads). Then shook off the excess moisture when most of the excess was gone, I added the other 1/4 of the beads to the mesh bag.
This should be adequate, right?
Now I can take my box of Verdadero Organics out of the Zip-Lock bag w/humipillow and my coolerdor is ready for my box of 5 Vegas Limitada 08s =D
They'll absorb any excess RH or release moisture back into the air if the RH gets too low. This is their job. I figure if museums use these beads to protect valuable works of art, and the beads can be designed to maintain a given % of RH, why should I do the work?
In my earlier experience, before I learned that they'll do this, I had problems whenever I tried 'charging' the beads, no matter how little water I added. The RH would ALWAYS be too high and I couldn't seem to control it. The way I do it now, I don't have to worry about it.
i have heard that about them before.
for some reason the 65% beads dont do that as much. in the summer i have about 10% of the beads charged. in the winter i hav about 60% charged.
this time of year sucks. first its snow, then its rain. the RH is hard to keep steady. right now my beads are about 30-40% charged. some days the RH is high (68%) and some its spot on (65%)
im not to worried but when the temp is consistent then i have it at 65% all the time.
its just the "transition month" that sucks.
No, the ones I have are the 65% jobs and I think they do a fantastic job.
after thinking about it i have had my RH spike up when adding water( but only when i added WAY to much). the 70% beads cant/wont bring it down as fast as the 65% beads do.