When you raise your children right, involve yourself in their lives, and interests, set an example of what men should be, and how women should be treated, your daughter will develop a standard, The one you gave her as example. Believe it or not, nice guys will knock on your door. And if some guy beeps the horn in the driveway, You need to go out and have a talk with him about what you expect. If he can't come in the house, and shake your hand, you don't want him taking your baby to the movies. Don't worry about sixteen years from now, that will come around sooner than you think. This all spoke as the father of two teenage girls.
When you raise your children right, involve yourself in their lives, and interests, set an example of what men should be, and how women should be treated, your daughter will develop a standard, The one you gave her as example. Believe it or not, nice guys will knock on your door. And if some guy beeps the horn in the driveway, You need to go out and have a talk with him about what you expect. If he can't come in the house, and shake your hand, you don't want him taking your baby to the movies. Don't worry about sixteen years from now, that will come around sooner than you think. This all spoke as the father of two teenage girls.
You know kaspera, I imagine in 16 years from now, I'll remember your exact words and heed them as good advice.