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Things I Hate



  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    I HATE IT! HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FREAKING HATE RTV.


    Please support your gasket company. RTV is not a gasket, its a bandaid.

    I once tore down a chevy 350 that a kid used 4 tubes of RTV putting it together... Not joking, he even put RTV on the head gaskets.. lol

    image totally destroyed this engine. Oh well right? Lol

  • No_one21No_one21 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,962
    I hate how bad I am at reading fucking social cues especially after some rum. Holy *** I really screwed up bad tonight. ***
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    I hate how bad I am at reading fucking social cues especially after some rum. Holy *** I really screwed up bad tonight. ***
    lol wha happened?
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Army Finance.Disability money? 3 months to 2 years+ from discharge. School money? Whenevs, we'll back pay you...good luck getting in to school.If you owe the Army...well don't worry, they'll just get it from your next check. And if they're wrong, well, file a claim and they'll look in to it.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Army Finance.Disability money? 3 months to 2 years+ from discharge. School money? Whenevs, we'll back pay you...good luck getting in to school.If you owe the Army...well don't worry, they'll just get it from your next check. And if they're wrong, well, file a claim and they'll look in to it.

    I had to bring legal action against SS. Any FED bureaucracy is the same, there all a bunch of dlck heads and 99% of them just don't care. But they know no bounds when it comes to you owing them. You are a faceless piece of paper and are probably interfering with their yearly bonus. After 2 years and an unbelievable number of doctors and tests I finally got in front of a judge who could think on his own, and if a representative of the SS had been there he would have ordered them to kiss my *** on the court steps. I also got paid for every mile I had to drive for the idiots and their exams. And when the judge saw the dates for the prescriptions and my doctors visits I got back pay which I was not even looking for.
  • CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,371
    The Jimmy Legs
  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    Car shopping. I know what I want (2006+ vw Passat) but to find it somewhat closeby in good shape with under 125k is hard!
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Plumbing. Even a simple project like changing out the tower in the tank, replacing the stopper, and replacing the connector hose turns into a dang all-day affair. Three trips to two different supply stores later, and I finally got it done. I am definitely NOT a do-it-yourselfer!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Self-important a-holes and b1tches that call into customer tech support because they can't figure sh1t out but the entire time try to tell you how to do your job.... Even though they are calling you for help. FML
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Plumbing. Even a simple project like changing out the tower in the tank, replacing the stopper, and replacing the connector hose turns into a dang all-day affair. Three trips to two different supply stores later, and I finally got it done. I am definitely NOT a do-it-yourselfer!
    Damn, were you at my house this weekend?? Lol because I had a plumbing project go fubar on me as well. Repairing an old clogged faucet turned into replacing about 30 feet of pipe because some jackass had used galvanized to tie in copper and it was super rusty....FMl

    And then no sooner had I wrapped that up we got a hard driving rain and it somehow found a way through the siding/flashing/window trim so I went out & tarped it in the downpour ... Then another hardware store trip today then I was on the roof/ladder as the temp dropped all afternoon down to 35F & 20+ MPH wind caulking/repairing flashing/nailing. Didn't get it all painted today, supposed to be dry this upcoming week but bitter cold....hoping to paint next weekend.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    ...and his revenge. All. Day. Long.

    And I have to work.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    just when everything was getting back to normal and all seemed well, find out DOG has to go in for *another* surgery this fri to remove her knee implant that was put in 2+ years ago.
    doc says recovery shouldn't be bad, but then again he said she was all "good to go" 2 years ago and never thought we'd have to go back there.

    poor thing feel so bad just want her to be alright.

    they are worried knee implant may have some bacteria/infection on the implant and it would be *very bad* if that somehow spread and affected her hip replacement joint. so they want to remove the implant and do a course of antibiotics. just hate putting her through this crap, she is such a sweet dog
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    just when everything was getting back to normal and all seemed well, find out DOG has to go in for *another* surgery this fri to remove her knee implant that was put in 2+ years ago.
    doc says recovery shouldn't be bad, but then again he said she was all "good to go" 2 years ago and never thought we'd have to go back there.

    poor thing feel so bad just want her to be alright.

    they are worried knee implant may have some bacteria/infection on the implant and it would be *very bad* if that somehow spread and affected her hip replacement joint. so they want to remove the implant and do a course of antibiotics. just hate putting her through this crap, she is such a sweet dog
    Tell her Clover sends her best.... :(
  • Glock1975Glock1975 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,372
    Best wishes John.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    So sorry John, keep us updated and let me know if I can help somehow.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Waiting. I hate waiting. Expecting some news, but it hasn't come yet. Expected it yesterday or maybe today. Now I'm anxious.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    thanks fellas.
    just tough news to get

    visited our regular vet last friday and she was talking x-ray/biopsy as next steps.
    or she suggested we meet with the surgeon at medvet who did the original surgery.
    so going into medvet kind of figured he'd want to do xrays/biopsy then go from there .... but instead suggests surgery to remove implant asap and was worried about an infection possibly spreading to the hip.
    just very unexpected, and also worrisome/concerning if something were to get to the hip

    so i guess do the surgery asap and rather be safe than sorry hope that and the antibiotics take care of everything.

    just thought we were done with all these vet visits/bills/etc and she was doing so well after the hip replacement last summer/fall....but now this. uggg. she isn't even 5 yet just kills me that we have to put her through it.

    wouldn't wish these issues/surgeries on anyone but would almost be easier with a person so you could explain what is happening.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    That people don't really know other people and what they go through
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    well the good news is that we called off the surgery for now but little p!ssed at the surgeon/medvet thinking maybe he was a little too "gung-ho" to cut her open.

    got the impression from surgeon tuesday that we should be concerned of infection and if it spreads to her hip so ok we were ready to go asap.
    send dog to kennel to play at "day care" on wednesday, to get energy out since it's too cold for park, thinking it'd be last time she'd be able to play for a couple weeks. also figured bump might flare up a little bit because of all the activity.
    well thursday morning rolls around (24 hours before she's supposed to have surgery) and looking at her leg notice the bump is completely gone so i say hold up, need to call surgeon because not about to let him slice her open if there's no more bump ya know.
    also had been doing some googling on the procedure and seemed to be an agreement across the board that taking out implant isn't very easy and should be done as absolute last resort. also more i thought about it seemed weird that he determined the implant needed to come out just off of a physical exam and he never took xrays or culture of the fluid, etc. seemed kind of fuckity.

    so call him thursday and it was like a complete 180 from what he said on tuesday, i tell him bump is all gone and he says oh ok well then we don't need to do surgery right now if you don't want to. i was like uhh wtf you mean, thought we had to worry about infection/spreading/etc. he says well if bump is gone then antibiotics must be working so you can keep her on those for like another 2 weeks, keep an eye on it and if bump comes back then we know the implant's the issue and we'll take it out then. and i say oh ok so no need to worry about hip because you got us in a tizzy 48 hours ago and were about to slice her open and bill us $1500 .... wtf man.

    so call our regular vet she says ok i will get you more meds, if bump comes back definitely want to get a sample to culture and maybe do xrays. so man wtf, fuckin medvet. i mean i want to assume surgeon had good intentions and thought that was absolutely what she needed but he was pretty quick to dismiss it and a lot less worrisome after i called him back. damn, won't be going back there unless absolutely have to. if implant does need to come out in future going to get our regular vet's opinion and maybe an opinion from a surgeon at OSU before going back to medvet. fuckery.
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    Meeting a new client who wants an on the spot price quote for a room addition two minutes after seeing the job for the first time, then she freaks out over the 'rough' number. 12hrs. and a nine pg. detailed proposal shows my rough was off by $300. It's all good though, signed the contract and deposited a cashiers check yesterday.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Plumbing. It's simply a clogged drain; however...

    My daughter refuses to remember to put a hair strainer thing into the drain while she showers and she has lots of hair. The drain in question is in the bottom of a tub, but about two inches down it makes an immediate 90 degree turn into the wall and then I estimate another 3 inches in another 90 degree turn. There is an access panel in a hall closet to behind the tub, but of course it's all out of my reach. I don't have a snake and won't use chemicals because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to call in the plumber.

    I tried the old stand by wire coat hanger and got nothing. This has worked on so many hair clogs in my lifetime, but it just can't make this succession of turns. I've tried vinegar and baking soda. I've tried near-boiling water. The overflow won't seal no matter what I try so a plunger isn't doing anything.

    Okay, I tried a plunger again. Plastic wrap over the overflow taped down made enough of a seal. At least the water is moving through at a more acceptable rate, now. Still slow, but it'll get the wife off my back.

    I'd just call the landlord except there's this line in my lease about drains clogged by hair or grease being the tenants' responsibility and I know that's what this is.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    .....I don't have a snake and won't use chemicals because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to call in the plumber.....
    sucks man, hate plumbing. feel your frustration.

    i don't like using harsh chemicals either....but i found an "eco-friendly" product @ home depot that's got microbes in it and "eat away" the hair. wife has long hair and shower gets backed up/drains slow every-now-and-then....i've used this product a couple times and it worked well

    only complaint was you gotta let it sit over night and can't run too hot water through the pipe while the "microbes" work or else it will kill them. can't think of the name off the top of my head but it but might be worth a shot....i found it in the same aisle as all the other drain-cleaner products fwiw
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Thanks, John. I'll be on the lookout. It's draining well enough now that it doesn't seem like the stopper is stopping it when it's not. I'll count that a success.
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    Plumbing. It's simply a clogged drain; however...

    My daughter refuses to remember to put a hair strainer thing into the drain while she showers and she has lots of hair. The drain in question is in the bottom of a tub, but about two inches down it makes an immediate 90 degree turn into the wall and then I estimate another 3 inches in another 90 degree turn. There is an access panel in a hall closet to behind the tub, but of course it's all out of my reach. I don't have a snake and won't use chemicals because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to call in the plumber.

    I tried the old stand by wire coat hanger and got nothing. This has worked on so many hair clogs in my lifetime, but it just can't make this succession of turns. I've tried vinegar and baking soda. I've tried near-boiling water. The overflow won't seal no matter what I try so a plunger isn't doing anything.

    Okay, I tried a plunger again. Plastic wrap over the overflow taped down made enough of a seal. At least the water is moving through at a more acceptable rate, now. Still slow, but it'll get the wife off my back.

    I'd just call the landlord except there's this line in my lease about drains clogged by hair or grease being the tenants' responsibility and I know that's what this is.

    Sometimes you can take off the overflow cover and work a wire or whatever down that way it's a straighter shot.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Plumbing. It's simply a clogged drain; however...

    My daughter refuses to remember to put a hair strainer thing into the drain while she showers and she has lots of hair. The drain in question is in the bottom of a tub, but about two inches down it makes an immediate 90 degree turn into the wall and then I estimate another 3 inches in another 90 degree turn. There is an access panel in a hall closet to behind the tub, but of course it's all out of my reach. I don't have a snake and won't use chemicals because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to call in the plumber.

    I tried the old stand by wire coat hanger and got nothing. This has worked on so many hair clogs in my lifetime, but it just can't make this succession of turns. I've tried vinegar and baking soda. I've tried near-boiling water. The overflow won't seal no matter what I try so a plunger isn't doing anything.

    Okay, I tried a plunger again. Plastic wrap over the overflow taped down made enough of a seal. At least the water is moving through at a more acceptable rate, now. Still slow, but it'll get the wife off my back.

    I'd just call the landlord except there's this line in my lease about drains clogged by hair or grease being the tenants' responsibility and I know that's what this is.

    Sometimes you can take off the overflow cover and work a wire or whatever down that way it's a straighter shot.
    Now that you mention it, I did this last time and it worked really well. I might just have to have another go at it.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Plumbing. It's simply a clogged drain; however...

    My daughter refuses to remember to put a hair strainer thing into the drain while she showers and she has lots of hair. The drain in question is in the bottom of a tub, but about two inches down it makes an immediate 90 degree turn into the wall and then I estimate another 3 inches in another 90 degree turn. There is an access panel in a hall closet to behind the tub, but of course it's all out of my reach. I don't have a snake and won't use chemicals because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to call in the plumber.

    I tried the old stand by wire coat hanger and got nothing. This has worked on so many hair clogs in my lifetime, but it just can't make this succession of turns. I've tried vinegar and baking soda. I've tried near-boiling water. The overflow won't seal no matter what I try so a plunger isn't doing anything.

    Okay, I tried a plunger again. Plastic wrap over the overflow taped down made enough of a seal. At least the water is moving through at a more acceptable rate, now. Still slow, but it'll get the wife off my back.

    I'd just call the landlord except there's this line in my lease about drains clogged by hair or grease being the tenants' responsibility and I know that's what this is.

    Sometimes you can take off the overflow cover and work a wire or whatever down that way it's a straighter shot.
    Now that you mention it, I did this last time and it worked really well. I might just have to have another go at it.
    Or, guide your daughter through the process, solving the problem forever and helping turn her into an adult.
  • First WarriorFirst Warrior Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
    I try not to hate anything cause what you put out comes back. BUT, I really dislike ROBO CALLS. I wish i could send a electronic punch in the nose back to those bastar--.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Amos Umwhat:
    Plumbing. It's simply a clogged drain; however...

    My daughter refuses to remember to put a hair strainer thing into the drain while she showers and she has lots of hair. The drain in question is in the bottom of a tub, but about two inches down it makes an immediate 90 degree turn into the wall and then I estimate another 3 inches in another 90 degree turn. There is an access panel in a hall closet to behind the tub, but of course it's all out of my reach. I don't have a snake and won't use chemicals because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to call in the plumber.

    I tried the old stand by wire coat hanger and got nothing. This has worked on so many hair clogs in my lifetime, but it just can't make this succession of turns. I've tried vinegar and baking soda. I've tried near-boiling water. The overflow won't seal no matter what I try so a plunger isn't doing anything.

    Okay, I tried a plunger again. Plastic wrap over the overflow taped down made enough of a seal. At least the water is moving through at a more acceptable rate, now. Still slow, but it'll get the wife off my back.

    I'd just call the landlord except there's this line in my lease about drains clogged by hair or grease being the tenants' responsibility and I know that's what this is.

    Sometimes you can take off the overflow cover and work a wire or whatever down that way it's a straighter shot.
    Now that you mention it, I did this last time and it worked really well. I might just have to have another go at it.
    Or, guide your daughter through the process, solving the problem forever and helping turn her into an adult.

    Well, I've tried this. And I think she's started doing it, but it's not like I'm checking on my 12 yo daughter in the shower. And mom's even worse about the hair thing...

    Or do you mean the drain cleaning process. Yeah, good idea. The boy helped last time when it conveniently fell on a Saturday to do the work. Knowing my daughter, she'll probably drop a screw down the drain.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Meant the drain cleaning, but I understand your hesitation
  • smoke em if you got emsmoke em if you got em Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,119
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!
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