Absolute morons - who have absolutely no clue that they ARE morons! :-D Anyone else stuck with one (or more) of these at work?
if anyone doesnt have a moron at work to agree with this........chances are you ARE the moron at your work? um yeah about 4 morons where i go daily to slave away.
I hate how people cut you off i traffic and they dont use their friggin blinker. thats what its there for. comming home yesterday four people cut me off and i don't live in the city. my horn got a workout and my throat hurt from yelling. i normally dont get road rage but this pisses me off.
i hate that the man who owns the seventy acres i hunt and trap on. the seventy acres i worked me ASS OFF on... is selling it. now i have NO place to hunt this year. F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate that I do not get to go to the casino before or after (or both) the concert my wife and I are going to tomorrow----but the corrolary to this is in the love thread as well.
I hate that I do not get to go to the casino before or after (or both) the concert my wife and I are going to tomorrow----but the corrolary to this is in the love thread as well.
Hate the fact that it's going to take ANOTHER 6 to 8 weeks to get my last paycheck from the Army (after waiting a month and a half). I'm still sitting on debt and they're dragging their heels.