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How do you justify this?

laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
Last update - 13:59 14/12/2009
Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land
By Jack Khoury
Tags: Israel Land Administration

Aadel Suad first came to the planning and construction committee of the Misgav Local Council in 1997. Suad, an educator, was seeking a construction permit to build a home on a plot of land he owns in the community of Mitzpeh Kamon. The reply he got, from a senior official on the committee, was a memorable one.
"Don't waste your time," he reportedly told Suad. "We'll keep you waiting for 30 years."
For Suad it's now been 12 years of fighting the committee's red tape to build a home on his own land. The reason, as far as he and his family are concerned, is singular: The local council doesn't want Arabs, with or without the legal amendments legalizing such objection that passed preliminary reading in the Knesset this week.
"We didn't invade the plot and we didn't take over the land," Suad says. "My grandfather has been here since the Turks. We have a land registry document proving ownership of three acres."
Suad's plot is on the northern edge of the hilltop community, founded in 1979. In 1984, Suad's land, along with others, was redefined as a development area rather than agricultural land. The land was divided into two plots. Suad and his family, who have been living in shacks on the site, were not informed.
"In 1990 we got a notice to pay capital gains taxes on the land, and they only told us about the changes when we asked for an explanation," he says.
The plots were split between the family and the Israel Land Administration. Only one plot was owned by the family - half an acre, minus half a square meter owned by the ILA.
Having paid the tax, Suad asked for a written confirmation of the change. "This usually takes a couple of days," he says. "They dragged it on for 8 months." While repeatedly refusing to sell the land or swap it for a plot outside Kamon, Suad was told that his plot is jointly owned by the ILA, because of the 50 square centimeters.
"They asked me for a document stating the ILA was giving up their part in the plot," Suad says. "It took the ILA another 4 years."
In 2007, the planning committee finally gave the construction permit, under four conditions: Suad would promise to demolish his shack, the future house would be moved by some 12 meters, Suad would contribute a part of the land to public needs, and he himself would ensure the house is connected to all infrastructure. Suad agreed to everything, but then found that no sewage line extended to his land. His suggestion to install a cesspit was rejected, despite this being a common practice in the community.
"I even offered to pave the 150 meters of the road at my own expense," Suad said. "We were supposed to meet about it on December 8, but then they told me the meeting was off."
"It's clear that the threat I heard in 1997 is coming true. They don't want us here. But I'll keep fighting until my children and I live on our private land," he said.
The Misgav Local Council rejected the accusations. The council said Suad's plot is located far from the other homes of the community and has no roads, sidewalks, lighting, water or sewer. All these would need to be connected through other plots, some of which are privately owned, the council said.
The council also said Suad's construction permit was conditioned on coming up with a plan to connect the plot to infrastructure, which he failed to produce in sufficient detail, or to accompany it with permits.


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I'm not trying to start an arguement or anything, just curious what is up with all the Israel bashing as of late? I understand not everything they do is right, but in comparison to what Hezbollah and Hamas do, it's pretty damn mild.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    He posting articles to read----not bashing anybody. And, while I agree that Hezz, Hamas, ect. are very extreme organizations-----I do like the idea being brought to think about here which is that Isreal has long gotten a "free pass" on their actions in the region and should also be held accountable for their acts. While I am not saying he shoudl abandon Isreal, some of our nations biggest issues come from out continual backing of that country in a way that only continues to fuel the hatred of USA and Jews worldwide. Other people have issues and plight as well...not everything needs to revovle around the hardship and struggle if the Jewish people in the world, despite the fact they seem to want to be in the forefront of media attention for their fight for survival.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i agree that the Israeli government has its issues. ALL governments have issues. jsut know that it looks bad to post so many anti Israel stories in a row.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I dont know if it looks bad at all-----they are stories to post. There are a ton of anti-Obama (and the like) stories on here ALL THE TIME.....So I dont know why this is different.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    thats the thing....
    those anti Obama stories look like they are attacking Obama. the anti Israel stories look like they are attacking Jews in Israel.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    thats the thing....
    those anti Obama stories look like they are attacking Obama. the anti Israel stories look like they are attacking Jews in Israel.
    OK, I have stated that I would NOT engage in discussion about any of these articles that I have been posting lately. I am NOT going to do so now, but I do want to clarify something.

    Kuzi you say it looks bad that I keep posting stories regarding Israel. That is just your opinion. My reason for doing so is because I believe this is an issue which has ramifications for many of the relations between many countries around the world including the US. I would also point out that Israel is occupying someone elses territory (even if you dispute the different borders each side claims) and until they leave and return these territories to the rightful owner and stop acting in such horrendous ways themselves, they lose all creditbility in pointing fingers at the Palestinians.
    I and would venture to say that most of you would act exactly the same way if put into the same position, as the Palestinians.
    I could go on but I will not get drawn into discussing these issues beyond the articles that I will continue to post.
    I do want to make one VERY important point which I hope will be carried forward into any further responses to my post... Kuzi, you stated above " the anti Israel stories look like they are attacking Jews in Israel". THIS is the kind of statement which I find to be irresponsible and inciteful. I have NOT and WOULD NOT attacked JEWISH people anywhere let alone in Israel. That is NOT what I believe so therefore I would NEVER put it into those terms. I feel this is a POLITICAL not a RELIGEOUS situation. The Politicians in Israel like to robe themselves in the "poor Jews" blanket and then carry forward the arguement from that point. I do NOT follow that line of arguement and RESENT anybody who would prefer to argue from this point rather then from an honest position.
    My intention when posting these articles is to point the finger at Politicians in Israel and I have NEVER mentioned "Jews" or "Jewish people" as I refer to people from Israel. I do NOT have anything against anybody from anywhere, and I will NOT allow anyone to put me into the racist category, as I am NOT predjudiced against ANYONE, ANYWHERE. I have VERY strong feelings about politicians all around the world, and I would include in this group, anyone, from any religion who allows this Political issue to take on Religeous overtones because it appears to advance their POLITICAL positions. That is despicable in my opinion. So PLEASE Kuzi, don't ever think or say that I am attcking PEOPLE from Israel. I am in fact attacking POLITICIANS from Israel, and to put it any other way is either just, YOUR opinion of my position (not my actual position) or is just being dishonest in these discussions. That said I will continue to post these types of articles, in the hope that if enough people around the world show enough interest (from either side) then maybe the political people in the world will actually sit down and try to fix this situation rather then perpetuating the situation for even more decades, like has been done since I was old enough to know there was a "situation" in the Middle East.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    How come you never show how Hezbollah or other Arabs have done some very shitty things as well? you are always pointing out how evil the Israelis are. a bit one sided. how do you justify THAT
    The Holocaust never happened..........
    This isn't the place for anti-muslim or anti-semitic behavior. Enough said. I'm kinda tired of seeing the posts, no offense. I choose to not engage in political discussions on here.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    You know, unless this is really a matter of racism, like the fellow implies, this doesn't sound like anything that doesn't happen on a daily basis in the USA. In the final paragraph the government states that he did not provide enough detail in his plan and that he failed to produce permits.

    Having worked as a Project Manager for two companies in Jacksonville, FL, Blueway Inc, and NuVision Designs and Construction I fully understand what it means to interact with the Building Department to attain zoning, building permits, design approvals, inspections, and so much more. It's not always an easy, or fair, fight.

    I'd be interested to see what his plans included. Were they even ligitimate drawings by an architect or something he drew up on a napkin over lunch? Did his plans cover all the basics: electrical, sewage and draining cross-sections, mechanical & HVAC schematics, plumbing? Did his plans meet local codes? Did he petition to have the road ways to his home built? If not did be provide plans to follow DOT cross-sections of per every 20 meters of roadway?

    There's a lot of questions that your article doesn't answer, Laker!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    You know, unless this is really a matter of racism, like the fellow implies, this doesn't sound like anything that doesn't happen on a daily basis in the USA. In the final paragraph the government states that he did not provide enough detail in his plan and that he failed to produce permits.

    Having worked as a Project Manager for two companies in Jacksonville, FL, Blueway Inc, and NuVision Designs and Construction I fully understand what it means to interact with the Building Department to attain zoning, building permits, design approvals, inspections, and so much more. It's not always an easy, or fair, fight.

    I'd be interested to see what his plans included. Were they even ligitimate drawings by an architect or something he drew up on a napkin over lunch? Did his plans cover all the basics: electrical, sewage and draining cross-sections, mechanical & HVAC schematics, plumbing? Did his plans meet local codes? Did he petition to have the road ways to his home built? If not did be provide plans to follow DOT cross-sections of per every 20 meters of roadway?

    There's a lot of questions that your article doesn't answer, Laker!
    IT was NOT my article. It was copied and pasted as it appeared, and some of the questions that you asked were answered in that article. I would point out however that it is kind of off base to ask if he would meet the building requirements which you may have come across. This was in Palestinian territory where the decisions are being made from another country. So unless you have had to get permits to build your projects from another country, who by the way wants nothing to do with issuing that permit, then I don't think your points are even valid. Your questions seem only to muddy the waters with "what if's" rather then deal with the facts of this particular case, which were pointed out in the article, which again I remind you was NOT MY article.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Oh and Laker, I get your stance on this and I partially agree with you. But this whole "this isn't my arguement, these aren't my words" deal is crap.

    Every post you make on here has your name at the top of it. Even if you did not write these articles, you copied them and published them here in this forum. You're not Penguin Books. You're not Sony Entertainment Group. The author did not pay you to publish his works for him. By republishing them, you have made them your arguement. "The contents contained herein do neccessarily express the views of Laker1963."
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    no it's all your fault laker... ;-) nice article though, thanks for posting it. More craziness!!!!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Oh and Laker, I get your stance on this and I partially agree with you. But this whole "this isn't my arguement, these aren't my words" deal is crap.

    Every post you make on here has your name at the top of it. Even if you did not write these articles, you copied them and published them here in this forum. You're not Penguin Books. You're not Sony Entertainment Group. The author did not pay you to publish his works for him. By republishing them, you have made them your arguement. "The contents contained herein do neccessarily express the views of Laker1963."
    You are entitled to be as WRONG as you like. My opinions are NOT expressed in this article I assure you. I will NOT state my opinions on this issue here as that WOULD be inciteful I assure you.
    I understand your point that I would not have pasted the contents of the article if I totally disagreed with them, but my position here is not CRAP, I am only trying to point out that these particular statements were NOT made by ME. If you want to try to change the direction this thread follows by turning it into a "Laker" thing go ahead. You will be talking to yourself as I will not respond to anything you write which does NOT have anything to do with the authors article. I see this hits a personal note with you. I will ALWAYS be on the side of oppressed people everywhere, and I will certainly not apologize to you or anyone else for that position. That is as clearly as I can state it.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    My opinions are NOT expressed in this article I assure you.
    but you do tittle the posts. that seems to reflect an opinion a bit.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    My opinions are NOT expressed in this article I assure you.
    but you do tittle the posts. that seems to reflect an opinion a bit.
    How about commenting on the article's contents and NOT on my opinions. For your information a post will not get posted without a title. So what would I say to have people read the post without putting something in the title?
    The title I choose said NOTHING about Israel or the Middle East and yes it does show how I feel about the contents of the article that follows it. We have had this discussion before Kuzi. It is NOT your place to tell me what I should title my posts. Why do you concentrate on that (as though that is the issue) and remain silent on the contents of the article?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    how about you title it the title of the article?

    just sayin...

  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Laker, I really don't care what Israel and the Arabs do over there. I really don't care what your opinion is of it either. I don't care if you hate Jews, love Jews, hate Arabs, love Arabs, wear a purple thong while running through the streets on Easter! This topic does not "hit close to home" whatsoever like you imply. I'm just tired to seeing you day after day hide behind someone elses words. That's the only problem I have with your posts. If you got something to say, just say it. But countless people on this forum have told you over and over again that you're persistent bombing of this forum is getting annoying. How about just one thread that is dedicated to your thoughts and you can post all the news articles you want in your thread! Kinda like Puro's Rant!

    I'm tired of scrolling through all your spam to get to the threads I actually want to read!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    how about you title it the title of the article?

    just sayin...

    How about you comment on the contents of the article and give up on these deflection attempts?
    The post would have been titled...Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land.
    Now do you have something to say about the new title and how it seems to be wrong as well, or do you actually have anything at all to add to the discussion?
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Laker, I really don't care what Israel and the Arabs do over there. I really don't care what your opinion is of it either. I don't care if you hate Jews, love Jews, hate Arabs, love Arabs, wear a purple thong while running through the streets on Easter! This topic does not "hit close to home" whatsoever like you imply. I'm just tired to seeing you day after day hide behind someone elses words. That's the only problem I have with your posts. If you got something to say, just say it. But countless people on this forum have told you over and over again that you're persistent bombing of this forum is getting annoying. How about just one thread that is dedicated to your thoughts and you can post all the news articles you want in your thread! Kinda like Puro's Rant!

    I'm tired of scrolling through all your spam to get to the threads I actually want to read!
    Well then that's easy. (if you couldn't figure it out yourself) just ignore any thread that I start and / or skip over every post which I add to someone else's thread. That way you will not be subjected to any more of my "crap", which is really only a reprint of others opinions as I have stated before.. Until you are declared the Post Police, I only have two words for you on this matter. These words would not only get edited but would not be very nice to say, at this time of the year or any other.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    how about you title it the title of the article?

    just sayin...

    How about you comment on the contents of the article and give up on these deflection attempts?
    because the part of your post/article that interests me is not so much the article but the title that seems to imply intent or opinion.
    all of the comments that i thought of were made by others (talking about the plans, why are they good or bad and whatnot)
    Having worked as a Project Manager for two companies in Jacksonville, FL, Blueway Inc, and NuVision Designs and Construction I fully understand what it means to interact with the Building Department to attain zoning, building permits, design approvals, inspections, and so much more. It's not always an easy, or fair, fight.

    I'd be interested to see what his plans included. Were they even ligitimate drawings by an architect or something he drew up on a napkin over lunch? Did his plans cover all the basics: electrical, sewage and draining cross-sections, mechanical & HVAC schematics, plumbing? Did his plans meet local codes? Did he petition to have the road ways to his home built? If not did be provide plans to follow DOT cross-sections of per every 20 meters of roadway?
    i feel that this summed up things fairly well. i have nothing to add to that.

    moving on...
    The post would have been titled...Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land.
    Now do you have something to say about the new title and how it seems to be wrong as well, or do you actually have anything at all to add to the discussion?
    how i would have gone about this would have been a bit different. the title of the post would have been:
    Article: Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land

    then i would have gone on to reprint the article. at the end i would have asked if anyone had any thoughts on this matter.

    the title "How do you justify this?" has a bit of an inflammatory tone to it. this is why i feel that it needs to be discussed.

  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    how about you title it the title of the article?

    just sayin...

    How about you comment on the contents of the article and give up on these deflection attempts?
    because the part of your post/article that interests me is not so much the article but the title that seems to imply intent or opinion.
    all of the comments that i thought of were made by others (talking about the plans, why are they good or bad and whatnot)
    Having worked as a Project Manager for two companies in Jacksonville, FL, Blueway Inc, and NuVision Designs and Construction I fully understand what it means to interact with the Building Department to attain zoning, building permits, design approvals, inspections, and so much more. It's not always an easy, or fair, fight.

    I'd be interested to see what his plans included. Were they even ligitimate drawings by an architect or something he drew up on a napkin over lunch? Did his plans cover all the basics: electrical, sewage and draining cross-sections, mechanical & HVAC schematics, plumbing? Did his plans meet local codes? Did he petition to have the road ways to his home built? If not did be provide plans to follow DOT cross-sections of per every 20 meters of roadway?
    i feel that this summed up things fairly well. i have nothing to add to that.

    moving on...
    The post would have been titled...Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land.
    Now do you have something to say about the new title and how it seems to be wrong as well, or do you actually have anything at all to add to the discussion?
    how i would have gone about this would have been a bit different. the title of the post would have been:
    Article: Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land

    then i would have gone on to reprint the article. at the end i would have asked if anyone had any thoughts on this matter.

    the title "How do you justify this?" has a bit of an inflammatory tone to it. this is why i feel that it needs to be discussed.

    DEFLECTION. But as you said you never really had anything to offer to the discussion, so your intent was only to deflect?
    I am back to posting any article I see fit with any title I see fit to add to it. You and anyone else who doesn't agree can respond with as much deflection or as little fact as you like. The threads, and the posts contained within them will speak for themselves. Which is what I think you fear most, hence all the deflecting responses to nothing more then a title. Too Funny.
    Have a great Holiday Season.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Hey laker, maybe you should not only rename this thread, but you need to get a white cat too, oh and you need to wear a cowboy hat while typing!!!! lol... Silly really this nit-picking kuzi. What does it really matter what the title is? I mean it's pretty obvious that Laker didn't write it. He's just posting something.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    you have yet to comment on the article you posted.

    how about you start the discussion.
    ...or did you already by your title?

    no deflection here. im taking what i see as your opinion reflected in your title of your post and making my opinion known in relation to that. I AM commenting on the article. im commenting on your only comment on it.

    this is why it is not "deflection" it has EVERYTHING to do with the article. all you are doing is "deflecting" the argument away from what your opinion is.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    you have yet to comment on the article you posted.
    how/why do you expect US to comment when you refuse to.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Laker, I really don't care what Israel and the Arabs do over there. I really don't care what your opinion is of it either. I don't care if you hate Jews, love Jews, hate Arabs, love Arabs, wear a purple thong while running through the streets on Easter! This topic does not "hit close to home" whatsoever like you imply. I'm just tired to seeing you day after day hide behind someone elses words. That's the only problem I have with your posts. If you got something to say, just say it. But countless people on this forum have told you over and over again that you're persistent bombing of this forum is getting annoying. How about just one thread that is dedicated to your thoughts and you can post all the news articles you want in your thread! Kinda like Puro's Rant!

    I'm tired of scrolling through all your spam to get to the threads I actually want to read!
    WTF? Laker is one of the few who actually has well thought out posts! Unlike what you just posted. Whether you care or not about what is going on over there you should as the united states has hundreds of troops involved thus WE are involved. I don't see "countless" people saying laker's bombing on this forum is annoying. I find the lack of intelligent posts are getting annoying just like the ONE you just POSTED! There are a few people on here who post annoying BS and laker is not one of them. BTW I don't have a problem with you or anyone on this forum personally but attacking a fellow friend and beloved member on here for something that is simply not true will get me fired up.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Hey laker, maybe you should not only rename this thread, but you need to get a white cat too, oh and you need to wear a cowboy hat while typing!!!! lol... Silly really this nit-picking kuzi. What does it really matter what the title is? I mean it's pretty obvious that Laker didn't write it. He's just posting something.
    im not claiming he wrote it. i know he didnt. so does everyone else.
    why am i nit-picking?
    laker has always tried his best to post things in a non-offensive way. and he has done a good job. yet when i point out that some of the articles in conjunction with his titles could be read as anti-jew by some im getting attacked for it. i was making a suggestion as to not cause confusion in the future as to his stance on it. (should he decide to post his stance through comments on the article posted.) does that make sense?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Laker, I really don't care what Israel and the Arabs do over there. I really don't care what your opinion is of it either. I don't care if you hate Jews, love Jews, hate Arabs, love Arabs, wear a purple thong while running through the streets on Easter! This topic does not "hit close to home" whatsoever like you imply. I'm just tired to seeing you day after day hide behind someone elses words. That's the only problem I have with your posts. If you got something to say, just say it. But countless people on this forum have told you over and over again that you're persistent bombing of this forum is getting annoying. How about just one thread that is dedicated to your thoughts and you can post all the news articles you want in your thread! Kinda like Puro's Rant!

    I'm tired of scrolling through all your spam to get to the threads I actually want to read!
    WTF? Laker is one of the few who actually has well thought out posts! Unlike what you just posted. Whether you care or not about what is going on over there you should as the united states has hundreds of troops involved thus WE are involved. I don't see "countless" people saying laker's bombing on this forum is annoying. I find the lack of intelligent posts are getting annoying just like the ONE you just POSTED! There are a few people on here who post annoying BS and laker is not one of them. BTW I don't have a problem with you or anyone on this forum personally but attacking a fellow friend and beloved member on here for something that is simply not true will get me fired up.
    im not sure why anyone is attacking anyone here...

    however i could see a single thread much like "Puro's rants" helping in more ways than one.
    it would keep all things together.
    it would be a good counter-thread to puros rants
    there would be less "clutter" in the non cigar related section (imagine if Puro posted every rant as a different thread)

    maybe thats not so bad of an idea.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Hey laker, maybe you should not only rename this thread, but you need to get a white cat too, oh and you need to wear a cowboy hat while typing!!!! lol... Silly really this nit-picking kuzi. What does it really matter what the title is? I mean it's pretty obvious that Laker didn't write it. He's just posting something.
    im not claiming he wrote it. i know he didnt. so does everyone else.
    why am i nit-picking?
    laker has always tried his best to post things in a non-offensive way. and he has done a good job. yet when i point out that some of the articles in conjunction with his titles could be read as anti-jew by some im getting attacked for it. i was making a suggestion as to not cause confusion in the future as to his stance on it. (should he decide to post his stance through comments on the article posted.) does that make sense?
    No here is what makes sense Kuzi. You are AGAIN DEFLECTING. You are just beating this issue with the title format to death, and all the while you are as aware as I am that your intention is to NOT talk about the contents of the article.
    As always you have turned this into a Jewish thing despite my clear post as to my feelings on that.
    You now would have readers believe that you are being attacked? Is playing the victim something that works for you? This is NOT about YOU Kuzi, or about hating Jewish people, the Jewish religion or anything Jewish. Why is it that if this same situation was happening to anyone, anywhere other then in the occupied territories and including Israeli and Palestinian people that most people could agree that it is not fair for a PERSON to be treated this way?
    As soon as it involves Israeli and Palestinian people and Israelis look to be in the wrong, you want to discuss the correctness of my title selection. We have heard your comments over and over in that regard, Still nothing about the actual issue in the article?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    No here is what makes sense Kuzi. You are AGAIN DEFLECTING. You are just beating this issue with the title format to death, and all the while you are as aware as I am that your intention is to NOT talk about the contents of the article.
    As always you have turned this into a Jewish thing despite my clear post as to my feelings on that.
    You now would have readers believe that you are being attacked? Is playing the victim something that works for you? This is NOT about YOU Kuzi, or about hating Jewish people, the Jewish religion or anything Jewish. Why is it that if this same situation was happening to anyone, anywhere other then in the occupied territories and including Israeli and Palestinian people that most people could agree that it is not fair for a PERSON to be treated this way?
    As soon as it involves Israeli and Palestinian people and Israelis look to be in the wrong, you want to discuss the correctness of my title selection. We have heard your comments over and over in that regard, Still nothing about the actual issue in the article?
    no... seriously. i dont want you to look like you hate jews. i dont think you do. with the nature of the articles and the titles of them some could believe that you do.
    when i suggest that you be a bit more careful with the words you use you attack me. i do not think i am a victim. it does not work for me. i am making a suggestion to make you not look like a ***. i dont want you to come off in that light. that is it. all i am saying is BE CAREFUL that what you are talking about in your last two sentences doesnt happen.


    relax people.
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