Large Humidor Humidification Problem

in Cigar 101
I have a rather large cabinet humidor. I have an Oasis XL plus humidifier in there, along with 2lbs of beads, a fan going constantly, numerous jars of gel. I have uneven RH%. Lower part is 70-72 and upper part is lower 60's. How do I even it out?
and how large are we talkin here? 300ct? 1000? 5000?
What he said! Pics or ban :)jk
and you might need a more powerful fan......
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz on this one, just trying to pass around some educational information.
And I agree with you ironhorse, the air needs to be circulated from the humidity source (Oasis XL) at the bottom to the top, especially with a humidor of that madnitude.
I have rigged up the fan into one of the shelves and seems like it is working.