Boxing Day cigar
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 679
I feel like I should extend the hand of friendship to our friends to the north. We are always talking about what cigars we are smoking on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve. So I figured we should ask what you will be enjoying on Boxing Day. The day were us Americans when were little tried to use it as an excuse to get more presents or pretended that you guys would stop pretending that you were going to actually play hockey and hold a real boxing match. lol. and on the note go AVS
I appreciate the extended offer of friendship, what was that shot about hockey? Was that a challenge? Do I hear a challenge to hold a huge road hockey tourney at your nearest WalMart parking lot?!?!
You Americans are so confused. I mean who could be thinking about presents when there is a hockey game about to start? I mean, really...get your priority's in order DEWD!
The World Jr's will once again be holding a few games over the Christmas Season before once again handing the trophey to the Canadians. I know it is getting a little old for some (5 years in a row) but don't forget that is the payback for living in a deep freeze for 7 or 8 months of the year. We deserve that damned trophey LMAO.
Oh yeah... Go LEAFS Go !