
Last night I had myself a Gurkha sherpa and again I was dissappointed in the way the cigar was built, I was not even into a quarter of the smoke with the outer wrapper completely coming off of the cigar and this is not the first time but has become the norm. my humi. stay in 68% relative and know for a fact the cigar is not dried out, but I've given up on this cheaply made cigar and will give what I have remaining away and never buy anymore afterwards, so if you pick up a sherpa and the wrapper completely unravels don't act suprise its normal.....
It seems they use a very thin, delicate wrapper or these were seriously mistreated before they got to me.
Huh. I just don't know what to make of this, guys. I bought 20 Sherpas about a month ago, and they were all in fine condition. I wonder if they've recently developed QC problems at whatever factory the Sherpas are made in?
I almost forget they are a $2 cigar, but even still, I'm disappointed that all 6 I have received had some sort of flaw that could affect smokability that was readily visible without removing the cello. It's quite likely all of mine came from the same box/bundle and maybe it was just a weak batch of wrapper leaves, or they were improperly stored/handled at some point. I think I'll smoke one tonight and see how it burns.