Cisco Certs

Hey guys...I'm seeking some advice/help here. I am trying to study and a get my CCNA. Does anyone have any training material or anything of that nature that may help me along. Anything would be appreciated. Thanks.
Feebs, I'm an architect/senior developer at a Boeing subsidiary. These days, my time is largely spent on web services.
I would also say get your hands on some equipment or some emulators so you can get familiar with the command line.
Not to say your wasting your time but I have found that most entry level certs such as the CCNA are ignored by employers, unless the employer is some small time home town operation. If you want to continue the cert route I would recommend once you get your CCNA start working on getting a upper level cert and I would definitely look into VoIP certs.
PM me your email and I'll shoot you off a site that you may be able to get some study materials from. I'll also take a look and see what I still have.