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what did you drink today ?

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
this is a rip off of the old cigar.com (AmBack) forum.
got a problem with it?

I dont.
Cigars go hand in hand with beer, wine, rum, scotch, etc...
we need at least a small place to discuss what brews we found good/bad.


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    while on vacation the wife and i stopped at Macinaw trail winery. we walked in wanting to taste and maybe buy a bottle or at most two.
    we walked out with a case.
    two each of
    -cabernet sauvignon
    -pinot grigio
    -north shore white
    -white ibus
    -pinot noir

    the bleuberry is a very sweet wine that isnt "sticky sweet" ...but still best served after dinner. the north shore white and the white ibis arre both blends but in not sure what of. both are a a bit sweet but could be served with a light summer dinner. the cab was just good and its a very good red wine. Ive had better cabs but this wasnt bad at all. the pinot grigio and the pinot noir were spectacular. i cant even begin to say how much i liked these. if we were willing to spend $400 more on wine than we did we would have picked up a case of each of these as well.
    heres the web site:
    i have seen the lighthouse on the front page in person. that was a great highlight of my recent trip.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930
    I've had a couple of Sam Adams' today, and Bud Light. I can't stand Budweiser, but my uncle wanted to have a beer with me. Horrible, and the fact that it was in a can didn't help matters. But oh well.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Matt Marvel:
    I've had a couple of Sam Adams' today, and Bud Light. I can't stand Budweiser, but my uncle wanted to have a beer with me. Horrible, and the fact that it was in a can didn't help matters. But oh well.
    What better way to celebrate America than with Mexican beer? Sol., Tecate, Corona, XX, and Modelo. I see you chose a Patriots brew Matt..nice.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    I had more Abita Light. Yeah, yeah, I know. Bite me.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 160
    Had some landsharks and my go to drink of rum and coke. Always tasty!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    im not a huge fan of landshark. i find that it has even less body/flavor than corona. then again i am a beer snob. (not a cigar snob though) if you can see through it, its probably not beer.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 120
    I had a few glasses of 60% shiraz 40% cabernet from yellow tail, (my favorite from this line). This was accompanied by that Gurkha Titan that I've been saving. I found it to be just spectacular. I would never pay the $27 they ask for one, but wasn't bad considering this was the one I got for the first installment of COTMC. I really loved it. Also the beers I am currently drinking are 2 from the Victory brewing company, "Golden Monkey" a tripel ale, "Hop Devil" an india pale ale (also one of my favorite beers). And fom the Boulder Brewing Company, "Hazed and Infused" a dry hopped ale (also one of my favorite beers). By the way have you guys heard that Great Lakes Brewing Company is coming out with an Imperial Dortmunder? I'm sure you have Kuzi, considering you are in the area. I can't wait to try this out. It is in a 4 pack. So I'll probably have to buy at least 4 of them to get my fill.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    as strange as it sound, no i havent heard that. but now im looking forward to it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    Great Lakes beer...good beer, haven't had one in a long time. Can't get them in GA either. My go to beer would hae to be Yuengling. And IF I was home right now I would have a glass of Zen (either Rancho Zabaco or 7 Deadly Zens) with an Oliva V or a good Tawny Port with an Oliva G. I will be a smoking drunk when I am home for R&R.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 196
    I like a good bourbon whiskey such as Wild Turkey 101 (not that 80% swell) and a double shot of Knob Creek......I think whiskey allows your tastebuds to breath and a cigar tastes awhole lot better with it!!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I think whiskey allows your tastebuds to breath and a cigar tastes awhole lot better with it!!
    I agree!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    mmmm whiskey...I need some Crown.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    That isn't whiskey, its Canadian. LOL
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    I think whiskey allows your tastebuds to breath and a cigar tastes awhole lot better with it!!
    I agree!
    Brandy is my snort of choice, but I agree with the concept. I think it has a cleansing effect on the palate, while a fuzzing effect on the brain; both pleasant :p

    Now that summer is here I sometimes alternate with a Tanq and Tonic w/lime on these hot days. Very refreshing :D I wish the kids at the stands would sell those for a nickel :P
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I haven't had anything, YET. But when I get home it will either be a nice Dos Equis green with a twist(I know kuzi, you can see through it but it actually has flavor!) or a glass of Evan single on the rocks. hmmm
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Slightly changing directions, here's a coffee recommendation: Starbucks Guatemala/Antigua. It has a nice cocoa finish.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Hey maddy just a few days ago you were harassing me about my Mexican beer sampler and now you go south of the border ??
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    The only Mexican beer I would harrass you about is Corona. There is always room for Dos Equis and Negro Modelo in my fridge!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I haven't had anything, YET. But when I get home it will either be a nice Dos Equis green with a twist(I know kuzi, you can see through it but it actually has flavor!) or a glass of Evan single on the rocks. hmmm
    i dont believe you.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    The only Mexican beer I would harrass you about is Corona. There is always room for Dos Equis and Negro Modelo in my fridge!
    My neighbor tied me up and forced me to drink nine Sol. beers this weekend.. They were pretty good too.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I haven't had anything, YET. But when I get home it will either be a nice Dos Equis green with a twist(I know kuzi, you can see through it but it actually has flavor!) or a glass of Evan single on the rocks. hmmm
    i dont believe you.
    ok so thats a lie... but i had fun telling it.

    negro modelo has a fuller bodied one that im ok with. thats what i get at the local mexican joint... er place. joints are a totally different ball game.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Sometimes when you are outside sweating your ass off you just need something a little lighter. This is when I enjoy a Dos Equis green with a twist. Try one the next time you are at that Mexican joi.. er place.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    By the way it ended up being a nice tall glass of Elijah Craig to go along with my Man O' War. Bourbon was good cigar was "eeh" usng the RRS scale.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    A tall glass of straight bourbon? Dude. Did you spend the night in your chair?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    It was about 4 fingers of bourbon over heavy ice. Nope didn't even feel a buzz.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Oh, okay. I was thinking like an iced tea glass.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    after a dinner of thi chilli salmon with pineapple and peppers the wife and I had some Louis Jadot 2006 Beaujolais. this isnt a very sweet wine but since she and usually prefer very dry wine, this, to us, is an after dinner wine. keep in mind that this is a rather low end wine. it was a gift from her cheap ass brother. it wasnt bad for what it was. very plumb, a bit sweet, and a bit too much bite on the end. but for the low low price of free who am i to complain?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Oh, okay. I was thinking like an iced tea glass.
    I've been known to fill an iced tea glass with only 3 or 4 ice cubes, but thats when I'm having trouble sleeping and don't need to wake up the next morning.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    after a dinner of thi chilli salmon with pineapple and peppers the wife and I had some Louis Jadot 2006 Beaujolais. this isnt a very sweet wine but since she and usually prefer very dry wine, this, to us, is an after dinner wine. keep in mind that this is a rather low end wine. it was a gift from her cheap ass brother. it wasnt bad for what it was. very plumb, a bit sweet, and a bit too much bite on the end. but for the low low price of free who am i to complain?
    Damn kuz when are we having a dinner part at your house. That makes my dinner of marinated NY strips and Teriyaki rice sound like Mickey D's.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    iduno man... a good steak with good rice is something that i like often. you just cant beat red meat.

    and i never eat at McDeath.
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