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Times I'm glad I carry

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 486
So, working in a resturant i see my fair share of crazys but usually thats all they are. A bit crazy.
I had a table walk in last night and even before he said a word to me i could tell he was just oosing anger. The type you can feel when walking past someone on the street. He walks in and demands a table for 2 and a table for 4 (weird). The 5 other people then come in (2 girls around 10 and 8, another male and 2 female adults). I get them seated and drinks and by this time my "somehing is not right" meter is going off the scales. I ended up calling dispatch and had them come in and they talked to the guy, and escorted him out. Turns out it was him meeting with his ex-wife and kids and he was pissed she got remarried (or some crap like that).
Any of you carry and had an experience like that where you probally would have handled things different if you didnt carry?


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I have used my legally carried pistol twice.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Wow. Could have escalated quickly.

    I'm in and out of strangers' homes every day, so I always carry in my briefcase, but thankfully have never had a situation where I've had to use it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    I'm in and out of strangers' homes every day, so I always carry in my briefcase, but thankfully have never had a situation where I've had to use it.

    So, how long have you been a burglar? (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Your Spidey Sense was working, good call. Sounds like you handled it perfectly, nobody got hurt.

    Wife and I are going for our concealed permits in a couple of months.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    I'm in and out of strangers' homes every day, so I always carry in my briefcase, but thankfully have never had a situation where I've had to use it.

    So, how long have you been a burglar? (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
    Haha! Funny how something reads different than you intended sometimes. LOL. Although some would probably say, "Insurance agent is kind of like a burglar." :)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,193
    I carry everyday. Not that my line of work is dangerous but sometimes you are going into a situation without knowing who you are meeting. Recently there was a case where a guy was arrested for trying to lure an agent to a house.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Until my CC class happens this spring I don't conceal carry, but anytime I leave city limits and often times even in city limits I open carry. Never had to use and hopefully never will but I have never understood owning a gun yet not having it on your should you ever actually need to use it... Hence why I carry.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    90+ Irishman:
    Until my CC class happens this spring I don't conceal carry, but anytime I leave city limits and often times even in city limits I open carry. Never had to use and hopefully never will but I have never understood owning a gun yet not having it on your should you ever actually need to use it... Hence why I carry.
    while open carry is legal here, I can't at work (on a campus). Not sure if I would ever open carry regardless or not... I like the idea of having it, but seems like open carry might even make you (the carrier) a target. Maybe I just need to practice and become more confident With a firearm. I would be much more likely to carry concealed. Hope by summer I can take the class
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
    i have my CC permit. I also have a lock box under the seat of my truck to use in case I need to go to the library, post office, VA, etc. In NC there are lots of places you cannot carry. I usually carry a little Tarus .380 with lazer sights.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    90+ Irishman:
    Until my CC class happens this spring I don't conceal carry, but anytime I leave city limits and often times even in city limits I open carry. Never had to use and hopefully never will but I have never understood owning a gun yet not having it on your should you ever actually need to use it... Hence why I carry.
    while open carry is legal here, I can't at work (on a campus). Not sure if I would ever open carry regardless or not... I like the idea of having it, but seems like open carry might even make you (the carrier) a target. Maybe I just need to practice and become more confident With a firearm. I would be much more likely to carry concealed. Hope by summer I can take the class
    On rare occasions (only 1 or 2) it has caused an issue with someone trying to make a big deal about it but honestly most don't even notice and I don't call it out or make a big production out of it. I figure if it's my right and lawful then I will do so and just not make a big scene about it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I work for a public school, and there are signs on the doors stating weapons are not permitted on the premises. There was an occasion that I came across a person with a weapon, and explained the situation. And, most people who have had C.C. training realize that conceal carry does have restrictions, and comply. On this occasion, the person expressed his "rights", and told me he had no place to secure his weapon, and would only be there for a short time. I simply stated I could call the police if he wanted to continue the debate. He left without any further comment.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    I'm kinda sorta one of those guys Kaspera is talking about. It says right on my permit I can't carry in any school...got it, obeyed....but say....Starbucks, they have a sign that says no weapons allowed. Whatever. There is a difference between a policy and a law. That's one of the points of a Concealed weapon... Concealment. Unless you're from the A$$hole open carry crowd that orders a venti macchiato with an ar slung over your shoulder "because you can", there is usually never any problem.
    I will say this though, carrying will change your whole perspective on everything. You can no longer argue/escalate situations, you look at clothing differently, people differently, situations night and day differently. I can honestly say I've become a much more safety minded and situationally aware person since I began carrying about a year and a half ago.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I'm looking in to getting a permit/license/WTF ever it is.When I was on Bagram, every single soldier carries a weapon 99% of the time and I never heard of one shooting another. I'm sure it happened, but it's not common. Why? Not because soldiers are the most ethical and honorable people in the world...because everyone has a rifle or pistol, so you would not get very far. Hell, when I joined it went like this... Recruiter - Do you have a felony? Guy - Yes. R - Was it legitamite? G - Yeah. R - What did you do? G - Beat my girlfriend. R - Well there you go! You obviously had some restraint because you did not kill her. Sign here. All these people they're saying are too fat/undisciplined/tattooed up are the people I joined with.Don't even get me started on soldiers not being armed on Fort Hood...how is someone able to massacre soldiers on a base? Those sprees should last all of five seconds.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    90+ Irishman:
    90+ Irishman:
    Until my CC class happens this spring I don't conceal carry, but anytime I leave city limits and often times even in city limits I open carry. Never had to use and hopefully never will but I have never understood owning a gun yet not having it on your should you ever actually need to use it... Hence why I carry.
    while open carry is legal here, I can't at work (on a campus). Not sure if I would ever open carry regardless or not... I like the idea of having it, but seems like open carry might even make you (the carrier) a target. Maybe I just need to practice and become more confident With a firearm. I would be much more likely to carry concealed. Hope by summer I can take the class
    On rare occasions (only 1 or 2) it has caused an issue with someone trying to make a big deal about it but honestly most don't even notice and I don't call it out or make a big production out of it. I figure if it's my right and lawful then I will do so and just not make a big scene about it.
    That's good to hear that people generally don't care. And I agree with your general attitude about it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Even though I have had a license for years I don't carry near as often as I did when I lived in N VA. When I worked out of a building in Falls Church VA, muggings and robberies were a daily occurrence. Right on a Metro station and the thugs would take a train from DC and rob someone, and then take a train back. The train route paralleled RT 50 which ran directly into DC and the thugs would drive in and rob someone and go back. When the CCW law was passed crime in Falls Church around the Metro stops all but disappeared. I am a little more relaxed where I am now. May have something to do with the fact the even grandmas all have weapons. And at times it seems every pick up has a gun rack. Every once in awhile something tells me to strap on, and I am always armed with a 3in mag Judge on the property when walking around, lots of cotton mouths.
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